Schools Forum 16 May 2013
Schools Commissioning Group Feedback
Children Young People Strategic Group (CYPSP) update 3
Summary of Changes April 2013, the Coventry Children's Commissioning Board endorsed proposals for a new simplified governance structure for the Children and Young People’s Strategic Partnership (CYPSP). These take into account: –changing strategic priorities across the partnership –the emergence of a new health governance structures with the establishment of Clinical Commissioning Groups and Health and Wellbeing Boards –the merging of Public Health with Coventry City Council CYPSP vision: Coventry children and YP to have supportive families, live safe from harm, level of achievement, health and wellbeing improves, positive and fulfilling lives. 4
Summary of adjustments to structure Retain the Children's Commissioning Board The Children's Commissioning Board will remain the key decision making board within the CYPSP Merge of the Health Improvement & Supportive Families Boards to create an Early Help Board Create a Positive Lifestyles for Young People Board Create a School Achievement Board Create a Corporate Parenting Board Strategic leads from each outcome group to report directly to the Children's Commissioning Board rather than through the Programme Board. 5
2012/13 Outturn and Schools Balances 7
Children, Learning & Young People Financial Outturn 2012/13 Overspend/ (Underspend) £000 Schools Block - Managed Expenditure for Education(589) Contribution to/from DSG Reserves 589 Total Schools Block 0 Non-Schools outturn still subject to finalisation. Period 8 predicted a largely balanced position. 8
DSG Reserve 31 March 2013 DSG Reserve of £2.1M Mainly DSG managed expenditure under-spend Includes various under spends that will be distributed as part of 13/14 budget Early Years, KS2 BESD, Broad Spectrum budget gap Other provisions include –A contribution to asset management and condition surveys –Installation, kit out costs KS2 BESD 9
School Balances – Summary by Phase 13/14 school budgets exclude de-delegated budgets. 13/14 special school budget is indicative. As the result of the introduction of the national Place-plus high needs funding methodology, special schools’ budgets will not be finalised till end of the financial year. Please note these balances are based on LA maintained schools only, i.e. excluding academies.
School Balances – No of Schools by Phase
Early Years 12
Early Years and Childcare Consultation 13
LA role in EY and Childcare consultation DfE Launched the consultation on 25 March 2013 and closing date 6 May 2013, consultation document can be accessed via link below: onResults&consultationId=1889&external=no&menu=3 Covering both 2 year old and 3 and 4 year old free entitlement funding LA officer made a technical response 14
Main consultation proposals Guarantee funding for children taking up their early education place at providers based solely on their Ofsted quality rating Guarantee funding for new early education providers, who have been registered with Ofsted, prior to their first Ofsted inspection Limit the conditions that local authorities can set on private, voluntary and independent early education providers to qualify for funding to deliver places Remove the existing duty on local authorities to secure information, advice and training for childcare providers, but give local authorities power to offer it 15
Simplify the early years funding system, by encouraging local authorities to simplify and reduce their funding formulae and to limit the amount of centrally retained spend –One flat funding rate for 2 year old free entitlement across all providers –For three and four-year-olds proposal include: Restrict local authorities to a small number of base rates – a limit of three Restrict banding within base rates and supplements - a limit of two Remove supplements and formula factors other than for deprivation 16 Main consultation proposals - continued
Recast the regulations to be clear on what early years DSG funding can be used for (central early years expenditure) –Will no longer be able to use centrally retained DSG funding for areas like quality assessment and provider training (If providers wanted this from the local authority, they could buy it back) –Can continue to use central DSG spend on activities intended to support the important local authority role of improving access and support for disadvantaged children and those with Special educational Needs (SEN) and other additional needs –Impose a 10% limit on early years Dedicated Schools Grant central spend 17 Main consultation proposals - continued
Early Years Sufficiency and Sustainability Funding Application Process Update 18
EY Sufficiency and sustainability funding application process update (2 to 4 year old) The LA has a statutory duty to ensure sufficient EY places across the city Historically there has been a sufficiency budget to support PVI settings on an application basis but no corresponding budget for the maintained sector Since 2011/12 –PVI EY budget was mainstreamed into the DSG in 2011/12 –3 and 4 year old in all settings are funded on the same basis via the EYSFF Free entitlement for deprived 2 year old is being rolled out One process to support all settings for sufficiency related sustainability issues 19
School Funding Reform update 20
School Funding Reform Update Mainstream school budget share issued and formula changes are implemented –Note on the operation details of the high needs top-up funding was sent out with updated budget information –On-going monitor and review of the Growth Fund operation via the Schools Forum –Outcome of the DfE’s review of the School Funding Reform expected in June (Fair Funding Conference in May) Further changes of the formula may be required Review of the top up funding arrangement for pupils with high needs? Early Years Single Funding Formula review 21
School Funding Reform Update Transitional arrangements in place for high needs areas including Special Schools, Enhanced Resource Provision and PRUs –Updated the Special School indicative budgets and top up funding will be updated during the financial year on a termly basis to reflect real time movements –Issued budgets for PRUs and Enhanced Resource Provision –Focus is very much on stability for 13/14 –Further development work is required in these area to fully implement the Place-plus methodology, including Regional banded framework for pupils with high needs Pupil Referral Unit top-up rates/delegated budget arrangements 22
School Funding Reform Update Yet to establish the top up rates for post 16 FE sector and post 16 specialist providers The EFA is yet to confirm the final funding transfer level 23
Further Budget Changes to Maintained Secondary School Budget Information Issue –Previously EFA 6 th Form Teachers Pay Grant was included in the Former Teachers Pay Grant line of the budget share statement for secondary schools –13/14 this funding is included in the Basic Entitlement Funding of the budget share statement –A separate line for this funding was also included in school funding information pack (which means this funding is included twice) Impact –Revised the 9 maintained secondary school budget information yesterday, changes range from £3k to £15.6k –No impact on academies –Sincere apologies 24
Meeting Schedule 2013/14 academic year 25
Future meeting dates –27 th June 2013 (already in calendar) Proposed from start of new academic year to reduce the number of Schools Forum meetings from 7 to 5: –September/October:Initial budget setting, Fair Funding Consultation –Late November:Funding settlement, budget setting update –Early – Mid January:Finalisation of Budget (ahead of submitting pro-forma, and issuing budget shares) –March:Report back on city wide funding position (including funding increases/decreases) –May/June:Previous Year Financial Outturn including school balances 13/14 Academic Year Meeting Schedule
Some dates already proposed at previous meeting, plan would be to: 3 rd Oct keep 28 th Nov keep 9 th Jan keep 27 th Feb cancel 10 th Apr 2014 – rearrange mid to end of March 15 May 2014 – rearrange to June 3 rd July cancel Additional meetings may be required, as much notice as possible to be given Meetings of sub-groups and training may also be required 13/14 Academic Year Meeting Schedule