Center for Urban Transportation Research | University of South Florida Performance Measurement
2 Performance Measures Questions to Ask How do you select your performance measures? What measures monitor progress in achieving goals and objectives? What measures highlight accomplishments? What measures give the reality of the situation?
3 Example: Reduce congestion – How can congestion be measured? Peak hour flow Vehicle trips per person per day Peak hour vehicle trips Time lost of traffic delays VMT
4 Other Possible Measures Marketing effectiveness – Awareness – Interest – Desire – Action – Market share Implementation activity – Adherence to schedule – Reliability Cost effectiveness Measures used by key stakeholders
5 Florida General Performance Indicators for Transit Passenger Trips Passenger Miles Vehicle Miles Revenue Miles Vehicle Hours Route Miles Total Operating Expenses Total Maintenance Expenses Total Capital Expenses Federal Contribution State Contribution Total Local Revenue Local Contribution Directly-Generated Non-Fare Revenue Passenger Fare Revenues Total Employee FTEs Operating Employee FTEs Maintenance Employee FTEs Administrative Employee FTEs Vehicles Available for Maximum Service Vehicles Operated in Maximum Service Spare Ratio (%) Total Gallons Consumed Total Energy Consume (KW- Hours)
6 Transportation Operations Measures of Effectiveness Customer satisfaction Extent of congestion - spatial Extent of congestion - temporal Incident duration Non-recurring delay Recurring delay Speed Throughput - person Throughput - vehicle Travel time – link Travel time – reliability (buffer time) Travel time – trip Source: National Transportation Operations Coalition
7 Performance Measures Spatial Extent of Congestion – Length of roadway within a predefined area and time period for which average travel time are 30% longer than unconstrained travel time Temporal Extent of Congestion – The time duration during which more than 20% of the roadway sections in a predefined area are congested Source: NTOC Performance measurement Initiative – Final Report
8 TDM Performance Measures Alternate mode usage (AMU) or non-Single Occupant Vehicle rate Average vehicle occupancy (AVO) Average vehicle ridership (AVR) Carbon footprint/emissions reduced Changes in delay Changes in speed Changes in travel time Cost per participant Cost per vehicle trip reduced Customer satisfaction Drive alone/Single Occupant Vehicle (SOV) rate Duration (average life) of carpools or vanpools Extent of congestion - spatial Extent of congestion - temporal Level of awareness of program Livability Mode split Non-recurring delay Number of bicycle commuters Number of carpool participants Number of commuters requesting assistance Number of commuters switching modes Number of companies participating in training or assistance programs Number of employer contacts Number of employers offering alternative work schedules Number of participants in events (e.g., Bike to Work Day) Number of referrals from existing customers Number of telework participants Number of transit passengers Number of vanpool participants Number of vans in service Number of vehicle trips eliminated Parking spots saved/parking needs reduced Placement rate for carpool and vanpool participants Recurring delay Throughput - person Throughput - vehicle Transit-oriented communities Travel time - reliability Travel time - trip Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) reduction Vehicle trip rate per employee
9 Florida Performance Measures (PM) – Outputs - Reach Performance MeasureWhat It Will Be Used to MeasureCollected by REACH Share of commuters aware of brand identity (brand to be determined by CAP to be CAP name or call to action (phone/web) Commuter services awareness General Public survey Profiles of TDM elements for each employer-client Employer outreach effectiveness (quantity/market penetration) Data will be used by CUTR to estimate cost/benefit of employer outreach program element using TRIMMS CAP Number of employers with telework programs and total number of employee-trips reduced by teleworking Employer outreach effectiveness (quality) CAP Number of employers with compressed work week and total number of employee-days not traveling to work due to CWW for each of these types of CWW programs: 4/40, 9/80 and other Employer outreach effectiveness (quality) CAP
10 FLORIDA PM – Outputs – Acquisition Performance Measure What It Will Be Used to Measure Collected by ACQUISTION Number of individuals requesting assistanceInterest in commuter servicesCAP logs Number of total requests for assistance (i.e., capture repeat customers) Level of effort in maintaining in commuter services CAP
11 FLORIDA PM – Outputs – Conversion Performance MeasureWhat It Will Be Used to MeasureCollected by CONVERSION Percent of drive alone commuters shifting to a commute alternative Effectiveness of commuter services in changing travel behavior Database (DB) survey and General Public (GP) survey Percent of commuters who currently use a commute alternative shifting to another alternative mode (e.g., from carpool to transit) Effectiveness of commuter services in increasing higher occupancy customers DB survey and GP survey Percent of commuters who currently use a commute alternative increasing their weekly frequency of commute alternative use Effectiveness of commuter services in increasing frequency of use DB survey and GP survey Number of vanpool passenger trips (directly operated and purchased transportation) Vanpool program effectivenessNTD report Number of vans operated in maximum serviceVanpool program effectivenessNTD report Actions to incorporate TDM into the land development process (see Incorporating TDM Into the Land Development) Establishing supportive environment for converting commuters Specific actions TBD by District and CAP
12 FLORIDA PM – Outputs – Retention and Loyalty Performance Measure What It Will Be Used to Measure Collected by RETENTION Avoidable customer turnoverMeasure of program growthCAP Percent of non-SOV commuters who revert to SOV Effectiveness of commuter services in retaining customers Database survey and General Public survey LOYALTY Overall customer satisfaction (with emphasis on quality, willingness to use services again and willingness to refer a friend) Customer satisfactionDatabase survey
13 FLORIDA PM – Outcomes Performance MeasureWhat It Will Be Used to MeasureCollected by Vehicle trip rate per 100 commuters (peak periods and total) Effectiveness of reducing congestion by reducing vehicles on the road Database survey Vehicle miles of travel (peak periods and total) per person Database survey Total and per-person unlinked passenger trips Accessibility Database survey and NTD Total and per-person passenger miles of travel AccessibilityDatabase survey and NTD
14 FLORIDA PM – Outcomes Performance MeasureWhat It Will Be Used to MeasureCollected by Customer satisfaction Overall satisfaction with the CAP programs and products Database survey Emissions reducedEnvironmental impactsDatabase survey Energy reducedEnergy impactsDatabase survey Total and per-person commuter savings Commuter impactsDatabase survey Duration of non-SOV mode Effectiveness of retention efforts and impact on life cycle costs Database survey Benefit/Cost Ratio Total costs and benefits from the employer outreach program TRIMMS model Cost-EffectivenessOutcomes by cost over the useful life of the program