#16PACE Using Interaction Analytics to Optimize Customer Engagement Outcomes
#16PACE Using Interaction Analytics to Optimize Customer Engagement Outcomes Structured and Unstructured Data Talk to each other How do different forms of data collection merge to make the customer engagement journey successful? A look into the engagement journey toward loyalty PACE CONVENTION & EXPO | APRIL 3-6, 2016 | ORLANDO, FL
Engagement Optimization / Analytics Recognizing industry evolution multi-channel omni channel/ channel agnostic phone support Interaction analytics engagement/journey analytics speech analytics
Journey Analytics – An Example visits website calls contact center sales s information sales calls back purchases product posts about experience increasingly, commerce is being driven by multiple touches in the customer journey 30 % post about their experience on social media survey interaction s positive experience negative experience 45 %
#16PACE Interaction Analytics (With metadata)Transcription & acoustic measurements (redacted) Use case specific automated tagging (language patterning ) Compliance, behavior, VOC and targeted coaching insight Use case specific scoring & tracking
#16PACE 8 How Interaction Analytics works – Multi-Source Data Input Values Agitation Word Tempo Silence Agent Info IVR Details Caller Info CRM Data WFO Data
#16PACE Scoring every customer interaction… Measuring Customer Satisfaction (example) dissatisfaction Language repeat contact language escalations acoustic agitation holds - transfers confusion tagging (language patterning and acoustics) satisfaction scoring NPS CSAT insight long duration high silence compliments positive comments negative comments churn mentions transcription & acoustic measurements (redacted)
#16PACE Mining for critical insights across all channels supports enhanced analytics
#16PACE Sentiment Analysis – Comparing Sentiment
#16PACE Products, call reasons, agents/teams, regions, customer segments, etc. Timely Data, Compared Across Metadata/Mentions
#16PACE What does it mean to analyze the customer journey? Ability to view both the individual and connected contacts Plot journey stops against any metric Assess and plot various journeys to assist in determining idea outcomes paths
#16PACE 14 E NGAGEMENT O PTIMIZATION E XPLAINED Discovering the optimal path to increased speed and rate of positive outcomes GREETINGSALES LANGUAGE PACKAGE WARRANTYPULSE CREDIT CHECK POLITENESS SALES LANGAUGE INCENTIVES TERMS & CONDITIONS Both within a contact and across the journey
#16PACE Summarizing Benefits –100% of interactions analyzed for customer satisfaction, likes, dislikes –Feedback available near instantaneously and continuously –Unlimited “questions” can be asked of the data –Correlation and root cause identified through analytics (why/how) –Data segmentation allows for analysis of every customer group/product –Includes feedback from the silent majority –Discovery of the “unknown” that could be driving negative experiences –Supports automated analysis of survey verbatims
#16PACE The Customer Engagement Highway to Loyalty Through Customer Feedback Measure All Channels to Manage Engagement Presented By Robert A. Kobek, RRP, President, CustomerCount
#16PACE About Customer Engagement Measurable with both structured (ask the customer) and unstructured data Emotional connection with customers Transforms customers to “true believers” Builds loyalty Applies to every stop along the way
#16PACE Seeks to enhance every stop on the journey Views customer contact as a transaction Measures processes Measures results Department centric Enterprise wide Customer Engagement Customer Service Differences in Measurement
#16PACE Courtesy and Attitude Initiative Innovative Communi cation Are you asking the customer directly ? Remove the arbitrary through structured data Knowledge Listened
#16PACE Measured KPI Performance Improvement 10,000,000 responses over 12 months
#16PACE Driving Tips (Steps to Engagement) Measure – Measure - Measure Ensure knowledgeable team members Empower team members Personalize communication Listen to and involve customers Be consistent in messaging and performance
#16PACE If only they would have asked.
Robert A. Kobek, RRP, President CustomerCount and Mobius VP, LLC Phone: Direct: Skype: BobbyK595 Web: Brian A. LaRoche, Product Marketing Mgr. CallMiner Phone: Mobile: Web: