Freud & Psycho-Analysis
Psychoanalysis Unlocking the mind is key to understanding motivation for individual behaviour Underlying, unresolved issues Ways of interpreting, attaching and creating systems of meaning Most powerful meaning created in child by experiences and early mentors
The Human Psyche Conscious Mind Information we are aware of Non-Conscious Mind super ego – moral center, ego - rational part of the mind- socially conditioned Unconscious Mind id- instinctual, urges and drives, instinct, selfish, self- preservation, socially repressed emotions
Conscious and Unconscious Mind
Defense Mechanism
Free Association Method used to uncover the unconscious mind Examine dreams and fantasies within the id so as to identify ways in which they repress and create defense mechanism Transference - project feelings on to the therapist so as to examine their feelings and gain insight into current relationships Examining the importance of child- parent relationship