Autumn 2010 Changing role of the local authority Restructure within the local authority Budget restrictions for local authority and schools Education White paper encouraging autonomy and partnership Need to establish a clear forum to give a voice to governors across the city Schools already working in ‘Education Improvement Partnerships’ coming together to develop leadership and learning – start of
So …………………. Should governors form a partnership and work with Derby School Learning Partnership? Focus group met to look at a way forward – YES 2 places offered on Management Board of Derby Schools Learning Partnership alongside Primary, Secondary and Nursery heads
Primary EIP 2 Primary EIP 1 Primary EIP 4 Primary EIP 5 Secondary EIP Primary EIP 3 Derby Schools Learning Partnership Management Board Nursery Schools Partnership Derby Governors Partnership
A trading arm of a company with limited trust run by a specialist secondary school of performing arts that has a commercial theatre PB Associates contracted to deliver our services till December 2012
Purpose To work within the Derby Schools Learning Partnership To provide a forum for governors to work together to support raising standards of pupil achievement and narrowing gaps in attainment across Derby To facilitate governor and clerks development through high quality training, support and networking opportunities To raise standards of school governance so that more governing bodies are judged to be ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ To liaise with regional and national bodies
Derby Governor’s Partnership Who are the members? Schools who buy into the Governor Support Package Who can attend the Partnership meetings? 2 from governing body of member schools How often are meetings held? At least once a term
GOVERNOR PARTNERSHIP STEERING GROUP 10 Governors representing all phases, Secondary, Primary, Nursery & 2 Clerks Governors elected at the spring term meeting of the Governor Partnership Clerks elected at spring term meeting of Clerks Network For a 2 year term of office Representatives to DSLP Board 1 x Primary Governor 1 x Secondary Governor Elected by the Governor Partnership Steering Group For a 2 year term of office
One Year on……. Steering Committee formed and now managing finance and strategic development Constitution agreed First year of a Programme of Training and Events completed o Buy up of over 60% of schools o Governor and Clerks Conferences both well attended o Termly briefing sessions for Governors and Clerks o Induction Training o Full programme of other training courses, i.e. Understanding data for monitoring and evaluation
Opportunity to confirm links with NGA including ‘Gold’ membership for our Partnership members Working with Derby University, NCSL and LA Developing ‘Governor Improvement Partnerships’ (GIPs) In school bespoke support to meet individual needs and budget. Buddies for new governors, clerks and chairs Introducing Governor Improvement Partnerships Second year, 1 st April 2012 onwards
GOVERNOR IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIPS Aims To work with governors and clerks to achieve outstanding Governance in support of Leadership and Management as judged by Ofsted. Through governor and clerks collaboration, support networks, training and appropriate challenge, working toward school improvement and improved pupil outcomes How Small groups of governors and clerks (GIPs) with a facilitator meeting at least once every term working in a supportive way to meet specific needs of the group Helpline / /telephone support within the GIP, with reference to DSLP and NGA helpline if required. GIP section on each termly newsletter. Suggest items for Governing Body termly Agenda to be placed in the newsletter Feed ideas into Partnership meetings.
GOVERNOR IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIPS DSLP BOARD Cross Phase Strategy 7 other Partnerships HE and FE provisions Procurement opportunities External information via DfE, NCSL, NGA, LA, etc. Governor Partnership Governor Partnership Steering Group Finance and Development Strategy GIP 1 Working in a collaborative Partnership GIP 2 Working in a collaborative Partnership GIP …… Working in a collaborative Partnership