About the NDLR What is the NDLR? The NDLR is a HEA funded national service promoting and supporting the sharing and creation of digital learning resources amongst the academic community in Ireland.
About the NDLR If collections (of learning material) on which individuals have worked hard are forgotten or neglected, as some already seem to be, we will end up re-creating, re-discovering and re- describing materials many times over Holden (2003) ” “
About the NDLR The NDLR is an online repository and currently hosts over 20,000 digital resources across many subject areas from images, podcasts, videos, presentations, and documents to more complex learning objects and content packages. What is the NDLR?
About the NDLR What is the NDLR? The types of resources include such things as exam questions, exercises, course notes and interactive tutorials. All resources are free to use and repurpose to suit your own requirements under the Creative Commons licences.
About the NDLR Why use the NDLR? Provides an easy to search collection of teaching content which: Can save you time by using or repurposing existing material Is legal to use Can be integrated into your own courses without significant effort Is contextually relevant to Irish HE Is developed by you or your peers in other institutions
About the NDLR Why use the NDLR? The NDLR also provides a medium through which to interact and collaborate nationally in a community involved in the teaching of your subject area.
About the NDLR Why use the NDLR? The NDLR actively supports the dissemination of your research and teaching discipline through the repository but also through its training and events and eNewsletter.
About the NDLR NDLR Support Monthly Newsletter Circulated nationally amongst academic community Platform through which to profile local initiatives or individuals Advertise national events Subscribe on the NDLR homepage
About the NDLR NDLR Support NDLR Training programme Drop-In Clinic Advice and assistance with development of resources Assistance with collaboration
About the NDLR NDLR Support The NDLR can offer a 75% reduction rate on software licences for Articulate Studio ’09. Articulate Studio ’09 is a set of e-Learning software tools which can empower anyone to quickly and easily create engaging courses, presentations, quizzes, and surveys using multimedia content.
About the NDLR NDLR Support Free use of the Elluminate - NDLR Virtual Room for meetings, training and collaboration Elluminate is a user-friendly web conferencing tool that allows participants to interact in real time over regular Internet connections and can be used for; collaborating online meetings (hosting and attending) accessing and hosting online training sessions eLearning and learning resource development demonstrating resources or work in progress
About the NDLR NDLR Support NDLR Funding Opportunities National Call for Funding under the Learning Innovative Community Supported projects (LInCS) Output is the development of digital teaching resources Must collaborate with 3 partner Institutions
About the NDLR NDLR Fest 2011
About the NDLR NDLR Fest 2011 Annual Showcase of Digital Learning resources presenting; 12 nationally funded and collaboratively developed projects 147 locally developed NDLR funded projects Opportunity to meet with your peers and see what’s happening around the country Announcing new call for funding
About the NDLR NDLR Support 10 things you can do with the NDLR service 1.Find and share learning resources for your teaching 2.Get in touch with other academics in your subject area 3.See what initiatives are taking place in Higher Education 4.Present your teaching experiences and research to a national audience 5.View the NDLR national funded digital resource projects 6.Join a SMART Community of Practice 7.Get support and help developing learning resources for your subject 8.Find out about national events and training 9.Know your rights – copyright and IP 10.Funding opportunities and NDLR Publications