Lesson 5 Eating Out
ο We can listen and speak about fusion cooking. 퓨전 요리에 관해 듣고 말할 수 있다. ο We can understand a passage about Kimchi. 김치에 관한 글을 이해할 수 있다. ο We can introduce Kimchi to foreigners. 김치를 외국인에게 소개할 수 있다. Today we’ll learn these… (pp.82~83)
Have you ever had a kimchi pizza? How about a rice burger? These are examples of fusion cooking, a trend which is becoming popular all over the world. It’s a new style of cooking which combines the foods and cooking styles of different cultures. The days when each culture used only its own foods are gone; Variety is here * t rend ; fashion, 경향 combine; mix together, 결 합하다 cooking styles; 요리법 (=recipe) variety; 다양성, 변화 It is a ___ style of cooking which combines the _____ and cooking ____ of _____ cultures.
Ask your partner which of the above foods he / she likes A: Which of the foods do you like? B: I like all of them except sandwich. A: Really? My favorite is the riceburger. B: Yeah, I really like riceburgers, too. Oh, our food Kimchi
1. Do you like new Kimchi or old Kimchi? 2. Do you spicy or mild Kimchi? 3. Do you eat Kimchi everyday? 4. Do you like Kimchiguk or hamburger? 5. Do you like Kimchi stew or pizza? 6. Does your home make Kimchi or buy Kimchi? 7. Then who makes Kimchi at your house? Your mother or grandmother? * stew ; 찜, 찌개 Do you like Kimchi?
Gary wants to know what Korea's most typical food is. Semin writes: "The most typical Korean food is kimchi. This salted, spicy vegetable dish has been an important part of Korean cooking for generations and it comes in many varieties. When kimchi festivals are held, people come from miles around to make, taste and learn about this amazing and delicious food. typical ; 대표적인, 전형적인 generation ; 세대 salted; 소금에 절인, varieties; 종류 (=kinds) Focus on Korea
A: What is your favorite kind of kimchi? B: I like cabbage kimchi the best. A: Me, too. My mom's is the best in the world. B: No, My mom ’ s is! A. Talk with a partner 1. What is your favorite kind of kimchi? 2. Have you ever been to a kimchi festival or seen one on TV? A: Have you ever been to a kimchi festival? B: No, but I've seen one on TV. A: What was the best part? B: I liked seeing all the different varieties and learning about them.
A: What is your favorite dish made from kimchi? B: Kimchiguk. It's my favorite food. A: Do you eat it often? B: Yeah, I eat it all the time. My mom knows I like it, so she makes it a lot. 3. What is your favorite dish made from Kimchi?
1. What two things can't you eat for breakfast? 아침으로 무엇을 먹을 수 없는가 ? ( 두 가지 ) Lunch and dinner 2. What kind of food does a race horse eat? 경주마는 어떤 종류의 음식을 먹는가 ? Fast food 3. We have many kinds of Kimchi. What kind of Kimchi makes us very tired? 어떤 김치가 우리를 피곤하게 하는가 ? Pakimchi 김치 담그다가 내 몸이 파김치 되었네. Let ’ s Have a Break. Are you hungry, aren ’ t you? Try a chocolate pie with all my true love ~
4. What is the first fusion cooking in Korea? 우리나라에서 처음 만들어진 퓨젼 요리는 ? 부대찌개 It was popular around American soldiers troops. They combined their ham and sausage with our Chigae. 5. What is the old name of Kimchi? 저 ( 菹 ) 침채 딤채 김채 김치 Kimchi has been made since Shilla Dynasty. 6. What do we call Kimchi when cabbages are expensive? 배추 값이 비싸면 김치를 무엇이라고 하나 ? 금치 ( 金치 )
1. What is Kimchi? A foreigner has just arrived in Korea. Can you introduce our Kimchi to them? 2. How do we make Kimchi?
1. What is Kimchi? Kimchi is the most t_____ K_______ food. It is a s________, s__________ vegetable dish made from c______, red _______, salt, shred radishes, and other in_________. Kimchi is the most typical Korean food. It is a salted, spicy (=seasoned) vegetable dish made from cabbage, red pepper, salt, shred radishes, and other ingredients. season; 양념
2. How is Kimchi made? ____ mix the ingredients with chilly pepper. ____ keep them matured for 3 days. ____ immerse in salt water 2 hours. ____ cut the cabbage in half lengthwise. ____ then flip and leave for another 2 hours. 1. Cut the cabbage in half lengthwise lengthwise : 세로 로 2. Immerse in salt water 2 hours. i mmerse ; 담그다 3. Then flip and leave for another 2 hours. f lip; 뒤집다 4. Mix the ingredients with chilly pepper. i ngredient: 재 료 5. Keep them matured for 3 days. mature; 숙성시키다
ο We listened and spoke about fusion cooking. ο We understood a passage about Kimchi. ο We introduced Kimchi to foreigners. Today we studied …
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1. This food originated in the first century B.C. in Rome. 2. This was made from snow on a local mountain and given Emperor Niro as a present. 3. It is mixed in honey and fruit. 4. It's a popular dessert that is made of milk fat and flavorings such as vanilla. What is it? What food is this? Answer : Ice cream
1. This food was named after a man who was an English politician and an Earl. 2. They say that he ate this because he liked to stay up all night gambling and didn't want to take time off to eat a meal. 4. What is this food that has meat, vegetables, ham etc. between two pieces of buttered bread. Answer : Sandwich politician 정치가 stay up all night 밤샘하다 gambling 노름 etc. 기타등등 What food is this?