Unit 5 Passage A Words and Phrases Detailed Study of Passage A Exercises.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 5 Passage A Words and Phrases Detailed Study of Passage A Exercises

 Words & Phrases ( 单词与短语 ) 1. approach (v.) approach (n.) 2. arrange (v.) arrangement (n.) 3. category / kind / sort / type 4. consider doing sth. consideration (n. ) take sth. into considerration considerable (a.) considerate (a.) considering (prep.) 5. decide (v.) decide to do sth. decision (n.) make a decision 6. detail (v.) / (n.) Can you detail the course of the whole things? Can you describe the details of the thing?

 Words & Phrases ( 单词与短语 ) 7. establish (v.) = set up establishment 8. general manager 总经理 generally speaking 总的来说,一般来说 9. internal (a.) external (a.) 10. perfect (a.) imperfect (a.) perfectly (adv.) 11. spirit (n.) (1) Can spirit and body be separated? (2) She is in high / low spirits. (3) Whisky, brandy and Maotai are all spirits. 12. spontaneous (a.) spontaneity (n.)

Passage A Planning a trip Travelers fall into two categories: those (who make lists) and those (who do not). Some people prefer to plan the course of their trip to the finest detail. For others, the joy of a trip is its spontaneity. 游客可以分为两种:一种是做计划的游客,另一种是不做 计划的游客。一些人喜欢详详细细地计划自己的旅程,另一些 人则喜欢顺其自然。

Passage A Planning a trip Neither approach works perfectly in South America. It is an area (that requires considerable preparation); internal flights often run only once or twice a week, and an advance booking can mean the difference between continuing to a new city and waiting several days for another flight. On the other hand, planners will have to leave some matters to be done without having planned them in advance. Some of the most exciting tours are best arranged from nearby cities after your arrival. And whether you consider yourself a planner or a free spirit, you still have to decide certain basics at the very start: where to go, what to do, and how much to spend. These decisions require a certain amount of planning. So before planning specific travel-related details, you might want to establish your general travel aims.

Passage A 译文 在南美,上述两种都不完美。在南美旅行,需要相 当细致的计划准备。国内航班常常是一周一次或两次, 是否提前定票大有差异,定了就可以继续旅行到一新地 ,否则有时要等几天才能有下一个航班。另一方面,有 些事情则很难提前计划。一些最激动人心的旅行是要到 了邻近城市之后才能决定的。无论你认为自己是赞成作 计划旅行的还是喜欢顺其自然的,有些最基本的事情, 如去哪、去做什么、要花多少钱等,你都得提前决策。 这些决策需要一定的计划。因此在计划旅游细节之前, 你可能要确定一个总的旅行目标。

Exercise 7 (P. 56) 1. bet 2. details 3. tour 4. spirit 5. require 6. specific 7. Internal 8. bear

Exercise 8 (P. 56) 1. He will fall asleep as soon as his head touches the pillow. 2. First, tourists should establish their general travel aims. 3. Neither approach works perfectly when traveling in China. 4. These decisions requrie a certain amount of planning. 5. Traveling abroad requires considerrable preparation.

Exercise 9 (P. 57) 1. b. Materials fall into two categories: those that are natural and thoes that are not. c. Teas fall into two categories: thoes that are green and thoes that are black. 2. b. So before getting married, you might want to meet each other’s parents. c. So before buying the product, you might want to compare it with other brands.