BookExpo America: Tips and Tricks for Making the Most of Your Experience By Rebecca L. Mugridge PaLA Annual Conference 2007
What’s it all about? Annual convention of the American Bookseller’s Association 2,000+ Exhibitors Authors 80+ Educational sessions 30,000+ Attendees
Who’s the Audience? Booksellers Publishers Librarians Educators Authors Agents Rights professionals
Overview Convention scheduled in May or June Runs from Thursday through Sunday Thursday: Primarily educational events Friday-Sunday: Exhibits open Many special events throughout
Special Events Keynote speaker Booksense Awards Reception Breakfasts with Authors Lunches with Authors Teas with Authors Librarian’s “Day of Dialogue” with Publishers ABA members-only functions
Keynote Speakers 2003: Rudy Giuliani. Leadership. 2004: Bill Clinton. My Life. 2005: Billy Crystal. 700 Sundays. 2006: Tim Russert. Wisdom of our Fathers. 2007: Alan Greenspan. The Age of Turbulence.
Book Expo Day 1 Exhibits open! Children’s Book and Author Breakfast Library Journal/Random House Breakfast Celebration of Bookselling
Author signings In booth Traditional autographing lines ($1 donation) Special ticketed authors Gold pass options ($25 donation) One “Go to the front of the line pass” One “Go to the front of the line pass” Don’t need to make $1 donation for each book you get signed Don’t need to make $1 donation for each book you get signed
2007 Children’s Book and Author Breakfast Mo Willems. Knuffle Bunny Too. Jacqueline Wilson. Candyfloss. Daniel Pinkwater. The Neddiad.
Exhibits Publishers booths Free books everywhere! Posters Drawings for prizes Authors signing in publisher booths Book- and reading-related merchandise
What kind of books do you get? First editions Trade paperbacks Advance reading copies Uncorrected proofs Children’s picture and pop-up books Mass market paperbacks
What types of publishers are represented? Large and small publishing houses Foreign publishers, grouped by language African American University Presses E-books and Google Audiobooks Graphic novels Children’s books Remainders
What do I do with all of these books? Free tote bags everywhere Shipping center Get a box Write your name on it Make frequent “book drops” When your box is full, ship it! ($35-40 per box)
ABA Celebration of Book Selling Book Sense Book of the Year Awards recognized best books in: Adult Fiction Adult Fiction Adult Non-Fiction Adult Non-Fiction Children’s Literature Children’s Literature Children’s Illustrated Children’s Illustrated Sponsored by Putumayo World Music
Book Expo Day 2 Book and Author Breakfast Speed Dating with Children’s Authors Book and Author Lunch Audio Book Tea Comedy Night
2007 Saturday Book and Author Breakfast Ken Burns. The War. (TV Series and Book). Lisa See. Peony in Love. Khaled Hosseini. A Thousand Splendid Suns. Stephen Colbert. I Am America, and So Can You!
2007 Book and Author Luncheon Muhammad Yunus (by video). More Than Profits. Paul Krugman. Conscience of a Liberal. Russell Simmons. Do You! Alan Alda. Things I Learned While Talking to Myself.
2007 Audiobook and Author Tea Roy Blount, Jr. Long Time Leaving. John Lithgow. The Poets Corner. Tom Perotta. The Abstinence Teacher.
Book Expo Day 3 Exhibits start to wind down Fewer authors signing Exhibit contents giveaway
2007 Sunday Book and Author Breakfast Paulo Coelho (scheduled but did not appear). The Witch of Portobello. Alice Sebold. The Almost Moon. Ian McEwan. On Chesil Beach. Rosie O’Donnell. Celebrity Detox.
Logistics Book Expos usually held in large cities: Los Angeles (May 29-June 1, 2008) Los Angeles (May 29-June 1, 2008) New York New York Chicago Chicago Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Registration opens January Special events registration opens in March or April
For more information Feel free to contact me: Educational sessions available via podcast at: