OASIS LegalXML Member Section
Special Characteristics of the LegalXML Member Section We are primarily users and consumers, not developers or vendors, of XML products We include large numbers of public sector members We have strong ties to public sector policy making groups We perceive our TCs to be perpetual entities – overseeing and improving standards once they have been developed We have historically been unwilling to promulgate any standards that include private IPR claims
Member Section Mission and Vision Statements Mission Statement The OASIS LegalXML Member Section develops open, non-proprietary technical standards for structuring legal documents and information using XML and related technologies. Vision Statement Courts, lawyers, criminal justice agencies, legislatures, libraries, publishers and other participants in the civil and criminal legal systems use XML standards to maintain and share electronic legal records cheaply, seamlessly and securely.
Electronic Court Filing Technical Committee
Committee Specifications – All DTDs Electronic Court Filing 1.0 Electronic Court Filing 1.1 Court Document 1.1 Query & Response 1.1
Current Effort Complete Court Filing Blue specification and schemas by July 1, 2005 –Covering filing, access to, and service of court documents –Using GJXDM –Supporting three profiles – WS-I, ebXML, and sneaker net
Online Dispute Resolution (odrXML) Technical Committee
Status Currently dormant pending completion of the Court Filing Blue specification and schemas by Electronic Court Filing TC
ENotary Technical Committee
Status Current efforts: –Electronic journal keeping XML data transfers –Electronic Apostille XML syntax –Liaison with DSS TC –Electronic Notary core and profile definitions for archival purposes across horizontal applications