IWT KINGSTON PRAYER Back in the late 90’s, Peter Wagner identified Kingston as “a gateway city to the nation of Canada.” In just over 8 weeks, roughly 100 evangelists arriving in Kingston The goal is to saturate the Greater Kingston Area with the Gospel and let God do the rest This program has been repeated many times world wide with amazing stories of lives that have been changed and transformed by meeting Jesus in a personal way. In order to see real transformation in this city this whole outreach MUST be under girded and bathed in prayer.
IWT KINGSTON PRAYER The degree of success is directly proportional to the commitment and involvement of the local body of Christ in the communities. That is where you come in. We have various programs planned to cover all the bases but we need your help to take them back to your home congregations and facilitate their introduction to your congregations. You don’t have to do this alone. We will do what ever we can to support you and you can by all means secure any help from others in your congregations.
CONCERTS OF PRAYER a monthly prayer gathering at a different church each month. These gatherings allow intercessors to network and rally together to pray for our community. Our next event is planned for Polson Park Free Methodist Church, February 15 th at 7:00p.m. We have been providing bulletin inserts to the churches for them to insert for promotions as well as updates to our list of roughly 120 Prayer Partners This branch of the ministry is led by Christie Thompson
PRAYER WALL On the IWT web page we have a “prayer wall” set up to cover the ministry in prayer 24/7. We are asking people to help the prayer effort by simply visiting clicking on the gold colour box labeled “Pray” and following the instructions to select a 1 hour period for each week. People can go there and connect up themselves or contact the IWT office to select an hour (if they have no computer) This information needs to get to the church, that’s where you come in Once they have committed to a time slot they can choose to have reminders sent to them.
PRAYER WALKING We are encouraging and tracking prayer walks throughout our community. Provide a map which will allow you to track the streets people commit to cover. Have this posted in your church and spread the word. Let us know you have a map set and we will keep our map updated There is no specific time commitment or frequency involved here, it’s as people are able.
OPERATION ANDREW A program which involves all believers praying for 3 to 5 unsaved people and inviting them to the events This enables all of the congregation to “buy in” (creative ideas & strategy attachments) Crucial to the success of the whole outreach as it involves all believers interacting with unsaved people and working to bring them out to the events. Get people to commit in the service when they are given the cards Heading this wing of the ministry is Marie France
40 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING Day 1 of the program is Ash Wednesday, February 6 th It culminates on Palm Sunday, March16th. The teams arrive in town to begin their ministry on the 17th We have prepared a prayer focus guide for this, which we will have out to you when they are printed. They will also be available on the web site for easy access and printing at iwtkingston.com
INTERCESSORY TEAMS We are assembling teams of intercessors together to pray for the multitude of events being put on by the performing evangelists. There are intentions to have as many as 8 outreaches per day for the 2 weeks prior to the big events in the Regional Sports and Entertainment Centre. We will have a “prayer room” set up for simultaneous prayer We would ask that you spread the word and be the go to person for your church. You could then forward those names and contact info to Amy Hubert at the IWT Kingston office, phone #
CHURCH REP. SUMMARY We need your help for the following: –Now that you know the plan, spread the word at your church –Be the conduit through which information is shared and networking is possible –Work with your Pastors and Church Secretary to promote the following: Operation Andrew (review strategy & start asap, make commitments in service) 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting (February 6th start) Prayer Wall (encourage people to sign up for 1 hour slots at or call Amy at the IWT Kingston Office ) Gathering intercessors to form teams to cover the 3 weeks of events (alert and enlist people to provide prayer coverage during IWT events March17th -April 6) Set up a prayer walking map for people to cover the area Concerts of Prayer (February 15th, Polson Park Free Methodist)