STAAR Review World History
River Valley Civilizations ► Images: ► Fertile Crescent-Mesopotamia ► “land between two rivers” ► Cuneiform-written language ► Pyramids of Egypt
Time Period ► Nile River-Egypt ► Mesopotamia- Iraq, land between two rivers: Tigris and Euphrates ► Indus River Valley- Pakistan, India; Indus River Basin, Harappa civilized ► Yellow River Valley- China “Cradle of Chinese Civilization”
Hammurabi ► First to codify law ► Hammurabi’s Code ► Impacted development of the legal system throughout the world ► “Eye for an eye”
Neolithic Revolution Major turning point ► Shift from hunting and gathering to cultivation of crops and domestication of animals
Traits of Civilization ► Government ► Religion ► Social structure ► Writing ► Art ► Cities
Polytheism ► Belief in many gods
Classical Era-West ► Images ► Nike-winged victory ► Roman forum ► Rome Coliseum ► Acropolis
Time Period ► Fall of Rome ( ) ► Period of time that marks the end of the classical era and the beginning of the Middle Ages
People: ► Archimedes: Greek mathematician (parabola) ► Eratosthenes: Greek geographer (latitude and longitude) circumference; pi=3.14 ► Pythagoras: Greek mathematician; Pythagorean theorem ► Humanities, Science and Math flourished during the “Golden Age of Greek Culture”
Big Ideas ► Monotheism: belief in one god ► Republic: a government that elects its leader ► Democracy: a government in which citizens rule-usually choose leaders through voting
Big Ideas ► Theocracy: a government in which a religious leader rules ► Oligarchy: a government in which only a few or group rule (usually the wealthy)
Classical Era-East ► Images: ► Buddha: “Enlightened One” ► Indian Caste System ► Great Wall of China ► Sanskrit-written language ► Silk Road Trade Route
Time Period ► Mauryan Empire: ( ) India, expanded under the rule of Asoka ► Gupta: ( ) “Golden Age of Hindu Culture” ► Zhou: (1027BC-221BC) mandate of heaven; civil war impacts Confucius ► Qin dynasty: (221BC-206BC) Chinese unification-Great Wall of China
► Han Dynasty (206BC-220) ► Civil service exams ► Silk Road Trade Route
People ► Aryans: nomadic people that settled the Indus River Valley; developed Sanskrit ► Buddha: Siddhartha Gautama-”the Enlightened One”; believed suffering was caused by selfish desires ► Emperor Asoka: allowed all religions in India; encouraged education, built roads and expanded the Mauryan Empire
People ► Confucius: sought to bring order to china’s social and political life ► Tradition (worked well in the past) ► Values ► Duty ► Good deeds ► All would lead to peace and harmony
Big Ideas ► Caste system: Indian social class system; divided by race, wealth, and social influence ► Mandate of Heaven: China/Asia; right to rule given by heaven ► Civil Service Exams: exams to select candidates for imperial service (China)
Fall of the empires: ► Rome: ► Germanic invasions ► Religion-Christianity ► Han: ► Peasant rebellions ► Population growth ► Civil war Political corruption Military spending Empire size Outside threats
Judaism ► Origin: Abraham, Israelites, Hebrews ► Ideas: Moral code of conduct ► Monotheism ► Tradition: Old testament ► Ten commandments ► Torah ► Spread: only spreads due to forced migration (Diaspora)
Islam: ► Origin: Mecca; Allah; Mohammed ► Ideas: pilgrimage; fasting; charity; prayer; monotheism ► Tradition: Quran; 5 pillars; jihad ► Spread: united Arab tribes with one language and religion; caliphs
Christianity ► Origin: Jesus is the son of God and Messiah. Apostles spread the word ► Ideas: forgiveness; mercy; sympathy ► Tradition: Bible-old and new testament; “golden rule” ► Spread: spreads quickly because of message and no strict code of rules
Hinduism ► Origin: Aryans bring to India ► Ideas: Karma; reincarnation: polytheism ► Tradition: Ganges river and cows are sacred ► Spread: similar to Buddhism in that it is a way to live one’s life
Confucianism ► Origin: Confucius; philosophy and tradition values ► Ideas: superior and inferior; obligations and natural order ► Tradition: Mandate of Heaven; devotion to family; filial; piety ► Spread: spreads easily because of turmoil in China; people wanted peace and harmony
Buddhism ► Origin: Gautama-Buddha “the Enlightened One” ► Ideas: denial of selfish desires; meditation; reincarnation ► Tradition: no supreme being; 4 noble truths; 8- fold path; sutra; nirvana ► Spreads: spreads quickly ► because it rejected the ideas ► of a caste system
Sikhism ► Origin: develops because of interactions among Muslims and Hindus; North India ► Ideas: monotheism; combines ideas of Islam and Hinduism ► Tradition: meditation; equal status; moderation ► Spread: only through North India