CAVITE 21 –Recognized Churches NO. Of CHURCHESESTABLISHEDDEVELOPINGOUTREACH 1. Establish- 2 Molino, BacoorAlima, BacoorAniban, Bacoor 2. Developing -8 Tanza, CaviteSan Juan, Gen. Trias Bagong silang,Bacoor 3. Outreaches-9 Kawit, CaviteCavite City 4. Not Yet Recognized- 3 Rosario, CaviteSapa, Rosario MambogAndrea, BacoorLittle Baguio, Rosario Progressive Tabing Dagat Pag-Asa, ImusACM, Gen. Trias Carissa, tanzaPasong Kawayan,Gen Trias Langkaan, Dasmarinas Filenvest, Tanza Noveleta
COMPARATIVE REPORT Categories ADULT 1,2331, CHILDREN LGN LGLeaders SERVICES FIRST TIMERS 1,0882, TITHERS Tithes/Off 7,968, ,064, ,868, Expenses 5, ,416, ,301, Variance 2,097, , ,567, No.Brgy 401 Reached Unreached
TARGET GOALS 2009 CATEGORIESTARGET Remarks 1. ATTENDANCE LGN LEADERS/WORKERS Evangelized Outreached Services Tithers First Timers Barangay Reached 10. Intercessors
Where do we want to Go?
JIL CENTRAL Priorities, Strategies & Objectives for 2010 Priority Concern/s (What is our greatest need?) Strategies How do we intend to accomplish our vision? Objectives (What we will Accomplish) 1. PRAYER WARRIORS 1. SPIRITUAL WARFARE Additional 300 New Intercessors 2. Leadership Development 2. Strengthen Church Management To Review and Evaluate To Provide incentives to the best Performers. 3. Relationship 3. SHEPHERDING/JIL 12 Additional 200 new Leaders and workers 4. Evangelism 4. EVANGELISM & CHURCH PLANTING Additional 1000 new converts 5. I Care Mission 5. EXPAND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY To Create a social awareness through gift giving and community services
How will we get there?
Priority 1 # SPIRITUAL WARFARE Objectives 1. To Mobilize and Empower 300 intercessors Area-21 for spiritual warfare by the end To Identify, dismantle & pull down every known stronghold in every barangays, towns, city and in every family.
SPIRITUAL WARFARE Activities Measurement Person/s Responsible Target DateBudget 1. To Conduct a Special Training For Warriors Intercessors. Attendance Form who attended the Training Pastor Win Head January 20105, Spiritual MappingList of participants Attended the activities Pastor WIN MISSION TEAM February Barangay Prayer Network 50 BarangayPastor WIN MISSION TEAM,LGN FEBRUARY- APRIL , Family DevotionList of Family joins the Program Pastor Win Team Family Head March Area Prayer Gathering Attendance FormPastor WIN Head July 20105,000
Priority 2 # STRENGTHEN CHURCH MANAGEMENT Goal1: To review and evaluate the 2009 Church structures and performances of every Pastors, leaders and workers. Goal 2: To Promote and provides incentives to the best Leaders and workers. Goal 3: To strengthen and empower the Church Management Team
Priority 2 # STRENGTHEN CHURCH MANAGEMENT Activities Measurement Person/s Responsible Target DateBudget 1. To review and evaluate 2009 SRP of Leaders/workers SRP-2009Pastor Ministry Heads Dec-09-January ]10 2. Leaders and Workers Appreciation day List of names of Leaders and workers PastorFebruary’201010, To conduct a special Training on Church and Ministry Management List of names of Pastors and ministry heads PastorMarch- April ,000
Priority 3- JIL 12 Objective 1.To train and empower 200 additional new Leaders and workers before the end of To produce 100 additional Life group networks before the end of 2010.
JIL 12 Activities Measurement Person/s Responsible Target DateBudget 1.Recruit from those who Finished DBBS List of names Attended DBBS Pastor LGN Leaders May Train them for JIL 12 within 6 months Attendance Form LGN LeadersJun-Dec On- the Job TrainingAnother 3 months LGN LeadersSept Qualified trainees will give a chance to handle a LGN for one year to the evangelized Barangay and LGN inside the church. 0ne year program Pastor LGN Leaders December Conduct MEC for the programs implemented MECPastor LGN Leaders December 2010
PRIORITY- 4 EVANGELISM 1. To Evangelize 1000 First timers before the end of To Create simultaneous Evangelistic Program every quarter of the year through House to house evangelism. 3. Promote Awareness Program to attract unbelievers. 4. Establish LGN/Outreach to the Barangay evangelized.
EVANGELISM Activities Measurement Person/s Responsible Target DateBudget 1. House to house Evangelism Attendance of first Timers Pastor Evangelistic Mission April 20105, Children Evangelism Free Tutorial and VBS List of names of children participated. Pastor Children Ministry May 20105, Youth Sports fest Attendance first timers Pastor KKB May 20105, Promote Awareness Program such as Parenting “Sagip Pamilya” List of names attended the seminars Pastor LGN April- December ,000
PRIORITY 5- Expand Social Responsibility To Conduct program to reach the needs of community through gift – giving and community service.
Expand Social Responsibility Activities Measurement Person/s Responsible Target DateBudget 1.MEDICAL and Feeding MISSION List of names attended the Program Pastor Medical Team Icare March , Adopt a Family List of 50 indigent family Pastor LGN June , Gift- givingList of 200 children Pastor Children Ministry December ,000 4.Clean the Barangay Campaign List of 50 saturate Barangays Pastor Barangay Coordinators April- May ,000
TIMELINE FOR MONITORING Target date Check When Completed Key Tasks/ Activities January ( Every Sunday)Conduct Prayer Warriors Training February ( Last Sunday )Leaders and Workers Appreciation Day Mar ( First Saturday)Medical and Feeding Mission Apr ( First Saturday )Clean the Barangay and Campaign Period May ( 2 nd Sunday )JIL 12 Training June ( First Saturday)Adopt a Family, Evangelism July ( First Saturday)Area Prayer Gathering
TIMELINE FOR MONITORING Target date Check When Completed Key Tasks/ Activities August ( Every Sunday)JIL 12 Sept (First Sunday)Pre- Celebration of JIL Anniversary Oct ( First Sunday)32 nd Anniversary Family Day November ( Last Saturday) Every saturday Tithers Night MEC, Strat Planning December ( 2 nd Sunday)Gift Giving,