University of Novi Sad INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY Expertise Relevant EU projects Expectations Research Knowledge transfer Services AP4INNO, Kick-off meeting Pecs, Hungary 24th-25th October 2012
Inactivation of anti-nutritional factors Feed/food preservation, packaging and storage Decontamination measures for feed/food safety Valorization of new and conventional raw materials Utilization of agricultural and food byproducts Feed formulation Designing functional feed/food Effects of applying additives (technological, nutritional…) Effects of technological processes on feed/food components Environmental issues, monitoring and preservation Quality assurance systems Research, certification and popularization of quality food products linked to geographical origin and traditions in Serbia Rheology and microstructure of food products and food components Standardization of food products (traditional, organic etc.) Consumer related issues (protection, education, satisfaction...) Sustainable feed/food production Food technologies, especially cereal processing technologies (baking, milling, extrusion and pasta production), meat processing, sugar technology, feed technology, fruit and vegetables technologies etc. Development of new and upgrading of existing Processes Technologies Products Processing efficiency and optimization Quality of feed/food Chemical Microbiological Nutritional Sensory Physical and technical Safety of feed/food Contaminants, Residues Carry-over Cross contamination Traceability AP4INNO, Kick-off meeting Pecs, Hungary 24th-25th October 2012
Reinforcement of Feed To Food Research Center at Institute for Food Technology of The University of Novi Sad FP7-REGPOT – Coordinator dr Jovanka Lević COST Action Feed for Health, COST Action FA 0802, INFO Gest, COST Action FP7 -KBBE: Low cost technologies and traditional ingredients for the production of affordable, nutritionally correct foods improving health in population groups at risk of poverty - CHANCE South East Europe programme (SEE) Setting up the innovation support mechanisms and increasing awareness on the potential of food innovation and RTD in the South- East Europe area INNO FOOD SEE FP7-KBBE ; KBBE Safe food for Europe (CSA) - coordiantion of research activities and dissemination of research results of EC funded food safety. FOODSEG Bilatheral cooperation Croatia, Greece, Russia, Siria, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, France AP4INNO, Kick-off meeting Pecs, Hungary 24th-25th October 2012
Now, FINS is widely recognized as the leader in food technology in WBC. In some areas we attained European standards and we are ready to fulfill stringent demands indicated in new FP7 and other EC calls. FINS is ready to participate and assist in successful integration of Serbia, other West Balkan Countries and the whole region into the ERA. Agrofood sector is one of seven national R&D priorities defined in “Scientific and Technological Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia 2009 to 2014” and FINS is marked as the leading institution in food research area, which will be supported in future programs of development. We intend to transfer research results into technologies suitable for the improvement of agrofood production processes on local and regional level We expect that this project will bring: benefits to the partners themselves benefits to the regions encouraging innovation and competitiveness in the sector of agriculture AP4INNO, Kick-off meeting Pecs, Hungary 24th-25th October 2012
Thanks for your attention AP4INNO, Kick-off meeting Pecs, Hungary 24th-25th October 2012