Kentucky Kentucky 811 Kentucky Law created by 1994 General Assembly Amended: 2009 (HB 649) 2010 (HB 474) 2012 (SB 152) 2014 (HB 430)(SB 228) 2015 (HB 172)
Highlights of Changes Senate Bill 228 $1,000 per incident If the underground facility damage results in the escape of any flammable, toxic, or corrosive gas or liquid.. Gives “Fire Protection Agencies” ability to collect and keep $1,000 fine – Perform Investigation.
KRS (6) "Excavation" means any activity that results in the movement, placement, probing, boring, or removal of earth, rock, or other material in or on the ground by the use of any tools or equipment, or by the discharge of explosives. Forms of excavating include but are not limited to auguring, backfilling, digging, ditching, drilling, driving, grading, piling, pulling-in, ripping, scraping, trenching, and tunneling. Driving wooden stakes by use of hand tools to a depth of six (6) inches or less below existing grade shall not constitute excavation; (7) "Emergency" means there exists substantial likelihood that loss of life, property, an imminent danger to health or the environment, or the blockage of public transportation facilities or the inability to restore interrupted utility service will result before procedures required under KRS to can be completed. (8) "Protection notification center" means an operator-provided notification center through which an excavator can contact the operator to enable the operator to provide the excavator with the approximate location of underground facilities.
Senate Bill Law Changes – Added “Commercial Timber Harvesting” as a form of digging. – Defined “Non-intrusive Digging” – Added “Emergency Locate Request” and “Design Locate Request” – All underground facilities installed after 1/1/13 must be locatable.
Senate Bill 152 Other 2012 Law Changes – Clarified the “21 Day Recall” Requirement – Defines the Kentucky 811 Board of Directors – Added $1,000 penalty for requesting a false emergency locate request. – Two new exemptions: Hand probing for leak detection Non-intrusive digging to locate an underground line.
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