IRCC HISTORY Established 1965 with help from UNDIO National non- commercial Centre affiliated to Ministry of Science & Technology Affiliated to Ministry of Industry 2010
We’re home to… CONSULTATION SERVICES Industrial planning Production Management Product design and development OBJECTIVES-1 Small scale technologies to meet local needs Conducted on new Industrial investments project for private and public sectors Exploitation of local raw materials for industry TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER FEASIBILITY STUDIES RSEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
We’re home to… CONSULTATION SERVICES Industrial planning Production Management Product design and development OBJECTIVES-2 Considered as reference lab for National Standards Corporation Raise of awareness among industrialists, workers and government on industrial development issues Key player in setting national industrial policies development REFERENCE LABORATORY ADVISORY BODY INDUSTRIAL POLICY SETTING
Research –Conduct R&D research –Standards specification –Participating in laying down national industrial development plans –Assist in the preparation of standard specification for the local industrial products Technology Transfer and Capacity Building –Transfer technology –Addressing the causes of food insecurity –Training programs FUNCTIONS-1 Technology Transfer and Capacity Building
Consultancy –Consultation services on industrial planning, production management and product design and development –Techno economic feasibility studies –Prepare and marketing industrial information –Dissemination industrial awareness FUNCTIONS-2
IRCC INSTITUTES Leather Research And Technology Institute Research Services Industrial Economies research Institute Engineering Industries Research Institutes Technology Transfer and Localized
Industrial Economies research Institute Engineering Industries Research Institutes IRCC INSTITUTES “ General Directorate ” Electricity and Electronics “2” “ General Directorate ” Textile “4” Design and Manufacturing “3” Modern technologies “4” Food Industry “1” Building materials and refractory “3” Cleaning Production “2” Chemical industries “1”
Research Services Technology Transfer and Localized IRCC INSTITUTES “ General Directorate ” “4” Experimental units Information, Documentation and Publication “3” Workshops “2” Central Laboratory “1” “5” Quality Assurance “4” Engineering Technology Research Promotion “3” Development of Small industries “2” Intellectual Property Rights “1” “5” Microfinance
IRCC’s 2016 budget
–Fully equipped and integrated tannery –Pilot pant for chemical –Electronic quality control and testing lab –Advanced industrial information Centre –Physical and mechanical testing lab –Engineering design lab IRCC FACILITIES
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Associate Professor Researchers Assistant Professor researchers Researchers Assistant researchers Researchers Technician
IRCC REGIONAL AND STATE BRANCHES Studies in process to identify potential in each state Creation of industrial map for each state Signed agreements with four states to establish IRCC departments
Certified college in engineering: MSc Cleaner production MSc Mechanical Engineering Design M.Sc. Refrigeration & Air conditioning M.Sc. Electrical energy production IRCC is member of Sudan Academy of Science Federal union. SUDAN ACEDEMY OF SCIENCE
UNESCO Chair in Transfer of Technology Retrieved on 2016, main purpose is to promote research and facilitate collaboration. Reinforcement of research capabilities Development of qualified human resources Public awareness campaigns Supervise training programs
National Cleaner Production Center Part of UNEDO/UNEP RECP network Enhance competitiveness Enhance social sustainability Industry service provider Coordinate RECP efforts Promote green industry
Objectives: Policy implementation Bridging technology gap Increase productivity Targets Manufacture industry Renewable energy Animal resource Construction Collaboration between Ministry of Industry and IRCC to mobilize industry National Program for continuous Industrial Development
Capacity building activities Cleaner Production IRCC 4-13 Jan 2015 Intellectual property IRCC Feb 2015 Internal audit National Leather Technology Centre 25 Jan -1 Feb 2015 Strategic planning for scientific research National Academy for training 4 May -4 Sep 2015 Exploration of soybean flour for supplement of cereal production PRIMAVERA National Academy for Training 17 – 30 Oct 2015 Modern trends in liquidity and cash flow management Ministry of Finance 20 Jan 2015 Leadership Training RCC/ Asakinah Nov-30 Dec 2015
Capacity building activities Application of ICT in education Rabat 23 – 25 Nov 2015 Consultancy services and lab testing IRCC Aug 2015 Fostering innovation for organizational sustainability SIRIM 29 Nov-1 3 Dec 2015 Modern technologies and its role in development of small and medium enterprise IRCC/FASAC 13 – 15 Oct 2015 Techniques and application Spectroscopy IRCC 5-28 June 2015 Environmental impact of mining Horizon Feb 2015 Patents and their importance in scientific research IRCC/FASAC 2 -4 Nov 2015 Fortification of food with micronutrients Ministry of Health 8-12 May 2015
We’re home to… Production and utilization of soya bean flour for cereal products MAJOR RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2016 Utilization of antifungal lactic acid bacteria in preventing the spoilage of fruits and vegetables Extraction of Moringa oleifera oil a natural antioxidant Study of the effect of processing and storage on the properties of Sudanese fruits and vegetables. Production of Magnesium chloride from magnesite Using starch to produce biodegradable polymers Evaluation antimicrobial properties of local oils against mycobacterium TB Extraction of bioactive substance from Hibiscus Sabdariffa
We’re home to… Extraction of gold using techniques other than mercury MAJOR RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 2016 Improvement of Sudanese National footwear ( Markup) design and manufacture Production of sweet syrups from sugar cane Anthropometric measurement of Sudanese foot Competitive ready garment industry Design of control for 1200 o C oven Raising the efficiency of sugar boilers using electronic control technology
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