“Imagine... a classroom, a school, or a school district where all students have access to high-quality, engaging mathematics instruction....Technology is an essential component of the environment....They (students) value mathematics and engage actively in learning it.” Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, NCTM 2000
Keystone AEA 1 Joint Planning that included Superintendents, EUN and Keystone Math and Technology Teams Consortium Focus - Mathematics Grades 4, 5 and High School Goal:Reduce % of Non-Proficient students on ITBS in mathematics Participants in the Consortium All 25 AEA 1 School Districts AEA 1 Urban District - Dubuque Community Archdiocese of Dubuque private schools
2 Levels of Participation All districts + Urban and all private schools receive: Individual student licenses for ALEKS online math tutor for ALL 4th and 5th grade students (5500) Braincogs CD-ROM sets Learning and Study Skills Coach 7 High Participation Schools (37 teachers/ 37 classrooms) receive: 8 full days professional development using Iowa PD Model Scientifically based research practices 3 computers for each classroom
Professional Development Features 4 full days summer/teachers paid per diem 4 full days during year/subs paid 5 ICN sessions Study Group Time by building Teacherline class Learning Community Cycle supported Iowa Professional Development Model Research Based Strategies taught and practiced Family Math nights Training to Integrate Technology
AEA In Kind Resources (in addition to E2T2 funds) Eisenhower funds purchased Braincogs CD-ROM sets for every AEA 1 elem. building State Assistive Tech $ for text reading software 10 Special Education Staff supporting High Implementation buildings 7 Instructional Services staff 1 administrator 1 math consultant, 1 ELL consultant, 4 technology consultants
7 High Implementation Schools Selection of 37 High Implementation 4th and 5th grade classrooms High Census Poverty Districts offered first choice Schools at risk of SINA designation offered remaining slots
Participants in Professional Development Activities All 30 High Implementation teachers of 4th and 5th grades in each selected building 7 Special Education teachers who teach level 1 students from those selected 4th and 5th grade classrooms 7 Building Principals Keystone support staff ( 7 I.S. staff & 10 S.E. staff serving these schools)
Add-on Support (last 2 years) Cognitively Guided Instruction - research based practice Capturing classroom work with students and posting video on website for learning community Cognitive Tutor – Algebra Student licenses purchased Teacher professional development provided TI Navigators Purchased for classrooms Teacher professional development provided
Impact on Students IEP students highest performing in state Iowa State data very strong with matched schools More students at high school level succeeding in algebra/geometry
Impact on Teachers Research based strategies supported by technology Increased support for professional learning community via technology Student support and practice is automated and targeted with detailed reports for differentiated instruction
Sustainability Continued matching funds for ALEKS/online tutor Continued support - Cognitive Tutor - Licenses/PD Continued support for Cognitively Guided Instruction thru web posted videos of classroom practice Continued support in classroom for TI Navigator Teacher professional development of best classroom practices will continue to build and be supported by Iowa Core Curriculum
Contacts Rhonda Sheeley, Director of Instructional Services Deb Henkes, Technology Services Consultant Sue Runyon, School Improvement Facilitator–Math Keystone AEA nd Street, NW Elkader, Iowa