Assessing and Meeting the Needs of Individuals in the Secure Estate Overview
Well-being and other overarching duties The Act aims to change the way people’s care and support needs are met. 1 A person exercising functions under this Act must seek to promote the well-being of people who need care and support You also need to have regard to the other overarching duties: Views, wishes, feelings Participation Dignity Culture Human rights
1. Introduction 2. General Functions population needs assessment, prevention and IAA services 3. Assessing the Needs of Individuals 4. Meeting Needs 5. Charging and Financial Assessment of adult detained 6. Looked After & Accommodated Children visits to all children detained and care leaver responsibility 7. Safeguarding of those in the secure estate 8. Social Services Functions 9. Co-operation and Partnership between LAs and the criminal justice system 10. Complaints and Advocacy representation if required 11. Miscellaneous and General 2 The parts of the Act
The right to an assessment based on the appearance of need for care and support, regardless of the level of need Aims to simplify assessments through a single process for children and adults in the community or secure estate 3 Assessing the needs of individuals
Meeting the needs of individuals 4 Advocacy : If people need help to participate in this process ensure assistance or advocacy is available Assessment Does the person have needs for care and support? If needs are not eligible Signpost to information, advice and assistance (IAA) and preventive services If needs are eligible Develop care and support plan, including signposting, and share with individual and key partner agencies If care and support plan already exists Consider re-assessment IAA service Preventive services Local authority to work with the individual, and the secure estate while they are detained, to deliver care and support within the plan
Exclusions Be a carerDirect payments Preference for accommodation Property protected 5
Which local authority is responsible for adults? All adults detained in Wales Local authorities in Wales with secure estate establishment(s) within their boundaries All adults detained in England Local authorities in England with secure estate establishment(s) within their boundaries Transition for young people who become 18 The local authority where the prison is located to which that young person is transferred The home local authority for care leavers 6
Which local authority is responsible for children? Ordinary residence Status of childDetention location Who No ordinary resident status Migrant or no ordinary resident status WalesWelsh LA where child detained Ordinary resident in Wales Regardless of previous involvement with social services WalesWelsh home LA Ordinary resident in Wales S20 or 31 of the Children Act 1989 prior to being detained EnglandWelsh home LA Ordinary resident in England S20 or 31 of the Children Act 1989 prior to being detained WalesEnglish home LA Ordinary resident in England No prior involvement with social services or not looked after WalesWelsh LA where child detained Ordinary resident in Wales No prior involvement with social services or not looked after EnglandDual responsibility 7
Portability and cross-border arrangements Release from or transfer within the secure estate The responsible local authority may change Continuity of care The ‘sending’ local authority notifies the ‘receiving’ local authority Cross-border arrangements Principles of cross-border continuity of care within the United Kingdom 8
Responsibilities for adults with care and support needs StageAgencyResponsibility Pre- sentence National Probation Service (NPS) Complete pre-sentence report On reception Secure EstateUndertake screening On reception HealthUndertake health assessment In custodyLocal authorityAssessment and care planning Pre-releaseCommunity Rehabilitation Company Wales Instigate release preparation Pre-releaseHousingUndertake housing assessment 9
Responsibilities for children with care and support needs StageAgencyResponsibility Pre- sentence Youth Offending Team (YOT) Complete pre-sentence report On reception Secure estateUndertake screening On reception HealthUndertake health assessment In custodyLocal authorityInitial visit within 10 days Assessment and care planning Pre-releaseYouth Offending Team (YOT) Instigate release preparation Pre-releaseHousingUndertake housing assessment 10