Heat Pump Program Evaluation Baseline Practice and Conditions
Evaluation and Review Three proposed studies –Current practice: specification and installation –Program evaluation C&RD program heat pumps ConAug program heat pumps –Residential Baseline New Residential Construction Heating systems Cooling saturation
Study 1: Goals, Specifications Sizing Determinants –House Size –Climate, Local Practice –Duct losses Thermostat Specification –Adaptive Recovery –Auxiliary Element Staging –Outdoor Temperature Sensor Duct design and Airflow –Duct sizing –Air flow at coil (CFM/ton) –Fan sizing and fan speed –ECM and other variable flow
Study 1: Goals, Installation Practice Control design –Element staging –Low ambient cut-out –Outdoor temperature Defrost control and set-up Duct Design –Leakage –Heat loss Practice and Impact of Correct Charge and Air Flow
Study 1: Sampling Contractor Interviews –Three or four markets –Five contactor interviews each Detailed Field Review –About 20 homes recruited to represent contractor practice –Detailed assessment –Short Term Metering Baseline Field Review –200 homes in four markets
Methodologies Detailed interview –Structured –Informed interviewer Detailed review of Heat Pumps –Charge and air flow –Control and set-up –Defrost –Thermostat behavior Occupant Programming –COP assessment –Duct system design and performance Short Term Metering (Heating Season)
Methodologies (cont) General Field Review –House size –Blower Door/Duct Blaster –Thermostat assessment –HP assessment Size Make and model –Occupant Survey –Billing Release
Study 2: Goals Impact of heat pump conversions Impact of heat pump upgrages Evaluate impact of PTCS standards Assess installation practices for a sample of program –Duct leakage and heat loss –Charge and air flow –Thermostat and control strategies
Study 2: Billing Analysis Conduct billing analysis on all available installations (2000 homes) Sample in EWEB area Checkme! participants (400 homes) Control group (200 Homes from Study 1) Collect bills from comparable billing periods Before and after measure installation Heating season evaluation
Study2: Field Review Conduct detailed review in 6 utility territories Conduct field review on 40 homes each Use field protocol from Study 1 Link study homes to C&RD specifications
Study 3: Goals Size Distribution of heating systems Saturation of cooling systems Window area and specifications Insulation, code compliance Duct and shell tightness
Baseline Residential Survey Sample to assess current new construction practice (~100 homes per state) –Sample at Building Department level –Target homes occupied in previous year Baseline review –Fuel selection –Heating and cooling system –Vintage –Insulation and Heat Loss –Duct location –One to Two Hour protocol