Electrostatics Maddie, Bailey, Ashley, Keaton
State and Explain Electricity is everywhere, and electrostatics is about electricity at rest. "Electrostactics involves electric charges, the forces between them, and their behavior in materials" (Physics book). In addition to the force of gravity, stronger, repelling electrical forces are also acting on you at all times. The electrical force balances out with gravity. This electical force comes from atomic particles. By the property known as electrical charge, electrons are attracted to protons, but electrons repel other electrons. Just as charges repel, opposite chages attract. The conservation of charge states that electrons are neither created nor destroyed but simply transferred from one material to another.
Historical Perspective The study of electrostatics began with the examination of amber, and the way it reacted to things around it. This idea was traced back to the greeks, and examined by many scientists through time. Through these scientists, the world was able to dicover many things concerning the nature of electrons. Their discoveries advanced the knowledge of electrostatics, and allowed for mutliple dicoveries, such as the devolopment of electrical machines.
Application of Concepts There are several major applications of electrostatics in life. Photocopiers and laser printers are run with elctrostatics. A difibrulator could use electrostatics to save lives. Paint sprayers also use electrostatics to work. Other, less useful examples of electrostatics include the shock you can get from your bedsheets, lightining, and the way dust collects to your TV.
Think and Explain 1.We do not usually feel the electrical forces between us and our environment because we and our environment are not electrically charged. 2.It becomes one-fourth when the distance is doubled and one-ninth when the distance is tripled. 3.You are negatively charged and the carpet is positively charged 4.Because a portion of the charge on the object is conducted through the terminal and metal rod to the leaves, because they receive the same sign charge they repel each other and therefore diverge. 5.No because the charge could be transferred through the terminal and metal rod to the leaves. 6.Using the method called Induction. If you bring a negatively charged item near to but not touching one side of a neutral conducting sphere bringing all of the positive charges to that side then touch a ground to the opposite side of the sphere all of the electrons will flow to the ground leaving the sphere positively charged when the ground is removed and the negatively charged item is drawn away.
Think and Explain 7.Charge is conserved therefore the amount of electrons taken from the bag goes to the rod that is why the charge is equal and opposite. 8.This is generally only true for metals, and the reason is because of all the free valence electrons in most metals, the electrons are readily available to move around freely and carry electric charge as well as thermal energy. 9.An electrically neutral object has an equal amount of positive and negative charges, so when a charged object is brought close to a neutral object it induces a charge: it causes all of the negative or positive charges to go to the other side of the object, leaving the opposite charge to be attracted to the charged object. 10.Electroscopes collapse by attracting oppositely charged ions from the air. Cosmic rays produce higher concentrations of ions at high altitudes because that’s where they run into the air - at lower altitudes there are less cosmic rays because most of them have already had their life changing collision in the upper atmosphere.
Review Questions 1. Electrical. 2. Charge. 3. They are opposite. 4. Yes. 5. A proton. 6. There are the same amount of each. 7. a. Like charges repel. b. Unlike charges attract. 8. A negative ion has more electrons than protons, and a positive ion has more protons than electrons. 9. a. Negatively charged. b. Positively charged. 10. Charge is not created or destroyed, only transferred. 11. a. They are both inverse-square laws with distance. b. Newton's laws depends on mass and is attractive only, Coulomb's law depends on charge and is attractive and repulsive. 12. C
Review Questions 13. Gravity is much weaker than electricity. 14. Astronomical bodies are electrically neutral but massive. 15. On a small scale, there are regions where the charges are imbalanced. 16. Good conductors have outer electrons that are loosely bound to any given atom, and a good insulator has electrons that are not able to move from atom to atom. 17. a. Metals have loosely bound outer electrons that are free to flow from atom to atom. b. Rubber and glass hold on tightly to their outer electrons. 18. A semiconductor is a material that can behave as an insulator or conductor. 19. A superconductor is a material that that charge flows freely through at temperatures near absolute zero. 20. a. Contact, friction, and induction. b. Induction. 21. It is a discharge between oppositely charged parts of clouds or between clouds and the ground. 22. It prevents lightning by gathering electrons from the air. 23. The atoms or molecules in that object have a slightly positive side and a slightly more negative side. 24.The side closest to the charged object will have an opposite charge. 25. Polorized molecule.
Background Info: Electricity is everywhere, and electrostatics is about electricity at rest. "Electrostactics involves electric charges, the forces between them, and their behavior in materials" (Physics book). In addition to the force of gravity, stronger, repelling electrical forces are also acting on you at all times. The electrical force balances out with gravity. This electical force comes from atomic particles. By the property known as electrical charge, electrons are attracted to protons, but electrons repel other electrons. Just as charges repel, opposite chages attract. The conservation of charge states that electrons are neither created nor destroyed but simply transferred from one material to another.
Question and Hypothesis and General Statement: Can Objects be given an electric charge? We hypothesize that objects can be given an electric charge. We will test weather or not objects can be given a charge or not.
Materials & Step by Step 1) Electroscope 2) balloon 1) Set up the electroscope 2) blow up the balloon 3) the balloon is not yet charged, bring it close to the electroscope, there should be no reaction 4) take the balloon and rub it on someone's head thoroughly, creating a charge. 5) bring it near the electroscope, there should be a reaction
Safety Precautions: Don't electrocute yourself. Don't break the electroscope and cut yourself. Don't blow up the balloon so large that it pops in your face.
Data & Analysis Balloon before- no reaction- no charge Balloon after- a reaction- a charge Before the balloon was rubbed against another object it had no charge. After the balloon was rubbed against another object it had a charge. Therefore it is possible to give an object a charge.
Conclusion & Evaluation We conclude that an object can be given a charge. Our hypothesis is correct in that you can give an object an electric charge.