E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska PS Ventilation - Run mode results -
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska Boundary conditions / assumptions: Air recirculation system (RVS) and fresh air system (FAVS) are working. The inlet and outlet surfaces for the RVS will be set at two couples of 0.1 m wide continuous rings placed on the floor (at the sides of the magnet) and at the ceiling Air flow rates: FAVS: 4000 m 3 h -1 at Technical Rooms inlets, 5000 m 3 h -1 at the center of the ring RVS: m 3 h -1 at TR1 and TR2, m 3 h -1 other TRs. Same pressure at all the air outlets. Tunnels leaks not taken into account. Buoyancy and heat transfer neglected.
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska Conventions “r45” means flow rate in the tunnel between the technical room 4 and 5. Flow rate in tunnels (r12, r23, etc.) is positive when counter-clockwise. Flow rate in galleries is positive when moving radially from the ring center to the outside. Nominal flow rates
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska Inlet layouts StandardMagnet-15Straight-15 Flow perpendicular to the inlet. Perpendicular flow in the left-half of the inlet. Flow oriented 15° to the right in the right-half. Flow oriented 15° to the left in the left-half. Flow oriented 15° to the right in the right-half. Flow directed downwards in order to impinge the bottom of the magnet.
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska Tunnels flow rates Nominal case: ideally, the air at inlets is expected to evenly split 50% right and 50% left. With the “Standard” inflow layout, air impinges the wall in front of the inlet, and a swirling counter-current flow occurs. With the „Straight – 15” the flow is split but still more is going to counter-clock direction. Only with the “Magnet-15” layout, the air coming from the technical rooms splits to the left and the right. Volume average velocity Magnitude: Standart – 0,1184 m/s, Straight-15 – 0,1115 m/s, Magnet-15 – 0,1066 m/s
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska Galleries flow rates Nominal flow rates were expected to be: m 3 h -1 at big galleries (g1, g3, g5,g7) m 3 h -1 at small galleries (g2, g4, g6,g8) CFD results are very different from nominal case and seem to be very sensitive on the inlet layout. Important to keep an high average velocity in all the galleries in order to extract the activated air. Globally, the “magnet-15” layout displays the highest average velocity in the galleries (~0.09 m s -1 vs ~0.05 m s -1 )
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska Velocity profile z=2 and z=3 StandardStraight-15 Magnet-15
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska Velocity profile r12 StandardStraight-15 Magnet-15
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska Pathlines „Standard” FAVSRVS R12 R4
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska Pathlines „Straight-15” FAVSRVS R12 R4
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska Pathlines „Magnet-15” FAVSRVS R12 R4
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska Conclusions „Standard” model is still counter clock wise The closest to the nominal one is the „Magnet – 15” model Low velocities in the galleries (the best with Magnet – 15)
E. Da Riva, S. E. Wojnarska END