Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can help to re- balance the body and creating a more harmonious environment to conceive. Many women often find that going off the pill results in painful menstruation or irregular cycles, factors which lower the chances of conception. TCM can help to put the odds in your favour, within three months most women can have established a normal, health cycle.
If you experience irregular periods, painful periods, high FSH levels, do not ovulate or have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic inflammation and/or ovary atrophy it is likely that you will have trouble conceiving. Infertility falls under two categories, primary infertility where someone who has never fallen pregnant finds it difficult to fall pregnant, and secondary infertility, where someone who has fallen pregnant or had children in the past finds it difficult conceiving again. Whilst couples who are suffering from both primary or secondary infertility are encouraged to seek out and perform medical investigations, there is no need to resort to IVF just yet. Opportunities still exist to help conceive easily and naturally.
TCM can help any woman during any part of her path to conception. Whether it be at the very first step as she is coming off the pill, or after successive bouts of unsuccessful IVF treatments. TCM can help improve the chances of conception by creating a better environment for implantation as well as improving the quality of male sperm and female eggs, so that if conception in the natural manner fails, and IVF becomes necessary, couples are more likely to succeed with less stress and financial detriment.
Acupuncture for Male Infertility Male Fertility and Heavy Metal Toxicity Acupuncture for Ovarian Reserve and AMH Levels Acupuncture for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Acupuncture to assist with Coming Off the Pill Acupuncture for Endometriosis Acupuncture for Stress during IVF Treatment Acupuncture for Period Pain Acupuncture for Menopause We offer Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture to clients all over Brisbane and are a short drive from Windsor, Newstead, Fortitude Valley, New Market, Teneriffe, Spring Hill, Brisbane City, New Farm, Herston, Kelvin Grove, Ascot and Hamilton.
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