Corn crops By:Esmare LeJour
Where are they located? The main corn crops in Canada are in Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec. Corn crops are actually very important to a lot of other country's in the world like the Philippines, East Indies, France, Italy, and many more.
Nutrition facts Nutrition Benefits- Low fat, saturated fat free, sodium free, cholesterol free, good source of vitamin C. How to select- Choose ears with green husks, fresh silks and tight rows of kernals. How to store- Refrigerate corn with husks on for use as soon as possible or within 1-2 days.
Growth steps Silk about 65 days after emergence, and mature around 125 days after emergence. There are 10.5 to 11 steps till the corn is fully done growing.
Diseases and Pests Diseases: Some of the diseases are Stewarts Bacterial Wilt that can effect corn at any stage, but is most harmful to young plants. It causes dwarfing and wilting of the plants. Leaves develop yellow-brown streaks and wavy edges. Root Rot is caused by fungi in the soil and shows up as stunted plants or irregular plants with rotten roots. Corn Smut is caused by a soil fungus, and can strike corn anywhere its grown. Pests: Corn earworm, European corn borer, Corn sap beetles, Corn root aphids, Wire worm, Seed corn maggots, Raccoons, and Birds.
Treatment for diseases Stewarts Bacterial Wilt: To get ride of this disease you would have to wait a good winter for it to die. To prevent an outbreak, clean up all crop residues, rotate your corn crop each year, plant resistant and control corn flea beetles. Root Rot: Use treated seed, plant on raised beds if soil drainage is a problem and wait until the soil temperature is 55 F before planting. Corn Smut: To prevent, rotate crops, and if you notice any galls, pick them and burn them before they blacken and burst. This will halt the smuts spread and if often all it takes to keep the disease in check from one season to the next.
History of Corn Corn was found in 1492 when Columbus’s men discovered it in Cuba! It was exported to Europe rather than being imported, same with other major grains. Within a few years it spread throughout France, Italy, and all of southeastern Europe and northern Africa. By 1575, it was making its way into western China, and had become important in the Philippines and the East Indies. Corn has many different meanings depending on what country you are in.