February 15, 2012
Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Honor the Texas Flag
Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one state under God, one and indivisible. one and indivisible.
Announcements... Master Mason Conferral Rio Grande 81 (in Brownsville) This Saturday (2/18) – 2:00 PM Carpool from HEB at 12:45 PM Carpool from HEB at 12:45 PM Rio Grande 81 – Stated, Next Tue, Feb 21 Square & Compasses, Next Wed, Feb 22 Point Isabel 33 – Stated, Next Thu, Feb 23
The Lost Symbol (Continued)
the Author Dan Brown The DaVinci Code Angels & Demons Not A Mason Invite Scottish Rite
The Book 9/15/09 = 33 1 st Printing – 6.5 M 1 M copies 1 st day Robert Langdon Ordo ab Chao
House of the Temple
US Capital
Why does a Mason, when at home, practice his ritual in the bathroom? It's the only properly tiled room in the house.
Symbols Ritual Myth Conspiracy
Fact or Fiction
Fact and Fiction
Skull York Rite? Scottish Rite? Drinking Blood?? 33 rd Degree??
Pyramid The Puzzle Masonic Memorial Washington Monument Great Seal All Seeing Eye
Blue Lodge Ritual Entered Apprentice Fellowcraft Master Mason
What is the difference between a Masonic ritualist and a middle eastern terrorist? You can negotiate with the terrorist!
Amazon.com Glowing Editorial Review 2568 Customer Reviews One to Five Stars Evenly distributed Average 3 Stars
Comments “The DaVinci Code” was nearly an impossible act to follow It is a letdown Repeating formula I didn't finish it Third amongst the three Langdon was marginalized
More Comments Noetics has no bearing on the plot Is there any historical significance I just read 500 pages to find that out Overall it was just mediocre Cliff-hanger chapter endings annoying Ended with a whimper, not a bang
Raves A dazzling accomplishment Delicious thriller Washington DC is fascinating A page-turner to be sure Brain candy Ancient Conspiracy Readers will rejoice