PHAM THANH HAI-VCARD WHAT IS LEADER? A driver said to me, driving needs 4 things and remembers 3 things: 4 things: Hearing Ear, refined nose, sparkling eyes, clear head 3 things: headlight, shift, stop lines Implication: Vehicle is organization? Go where? What is the way?. What will you do if vehicle broken and you got into traffic jam? What do you thing about traffic police? A person get in the car, drive the car but not sure reach the destination. A person may be a leader but not sure move to achieve organizational objectives.
WHAT IS LEADER? We will consider you as a leader of one organization if: We clearly know what is happening in practice We see our development/ inclusion in the vision/ bright picture of the organization We share/ trust the key values We feel we have some power Who is the leader (values, motivation and personal talent) What does the leader know (knowledge, skills and capacity) What does the leader do (behavior, habits, styles and level in ability)
PHAM THANH HAI-VCARD WHAT STAFF TALKS ABOUT LEADER? 90% staff answer that: “The problem we face today can be solved mainly through effective leadership” “My boss does not want to find a reason but to care for finding solutions ” “We do not have the right to select cousins, but has the right to choose boss ”
PHAM THANH HAI-VCARD CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE LEADER / GOOD (in Vietnam offices) “ Opposite meaning of Love is not Hate which is Ignorance ”. Leaders should care about people, to work, but above all interested in vision, common goals of the organization. Leaders interested in the common goal always thinking how to enhance value for the organization. This person is not easy to find So that we need to find and work with people who care about common goals.
PHAM THANH HAI-VCARD DIFFICULTIES OF LEADERS in Vietnam offices “Being a manager in an administrative unit such as ours is difficult. Any decision also depends on many factors. Mechanisms and legal framework activities are sometimes not clear. Facilities and staffing is limited. Capacities and skills of the staff is sometimes “what should have but not, what has that not needs”, especially attitudes to work and with people” A former Headmaster “For others, they find it very reassuring to stay the long years in school. But then I felt something was wrong. They go to school everyday but their mind does not work much. I feel more are benefiting from the organization. I wanted to do many things, but can not the final decision” A good head of Department The words said…
PHAM THANH HAI-VCARD What will you do when the job description is not clear? 1. Collecting information, analyzing relationships. Finding the right people in the organization 2. Finding organizations that initiated the change in position of power was a success DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS Characters of an org Mission Job duties Perspective Target Strategy Information system in management Organizatio nal Structure Envir onme nt Personnel Organization al culture Salary, bonus system
PHAM THANH HAI-VCARD Leadership mains by learning, the talent help accelerate learning process? Leadership of the art or science? Art: Need the skills and qualities by experience and practice: The most important is consistency Science: Considered a leadership must have sufficient process knowledge, methods and skills to perform Leadership is a combination of skills and continuous learning process. "The concept of all the qualities of a leader by birth that is wrong concept. But a gift of a personal inheritance, even how remarkable that is could not be decided by the leadership abilities in the future, which depends on the events and influences to him in the future " John Gardner, former Minister of Ministry of US Health and Education Having a new positions has to learn to be a leader: What to learn: Know yourself, know people, understand the job, understand the organization Methods to learn: Home study, leaders by yourself; If you are a good student, there are many teachers around us
PHAM THANH HAI-VCARD Learning from colleges!! “People who like to use power is the power of fear; who favors for people but are always grateful for others." 1. Finding a influential people "The right has wrong, the wrong has right. Critics of the right people first, critics the wrong people following" 2. Attention to cultural 3. No urge 4. Chopsticks to eat, not eating by hand 5. Know conjugation 6. Do not believe what leaders say Incubation period until hatching baby chickens is 21 days. If you heat up higher to speed, then you'll have an egg cancer !!! LEARNING METHODS TO BE A GOOD LEADER
Hard Work H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K = 98% Knowledge K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E = 96%
Love L+O+V+E = 54% Luck L+U+C+K = 47% ( don't most of us think this is the most important ??? )
Then what makes 100% ? Money Is it Money ?... NO ! ! ! M+O+N+E+Y = 72% Leadership Leadership ?... NO ! ! ! L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P = 97%
Change Your Attitude … And You Change Your Life ! ! !