Moving Ahead… Alabama Interagency Autism Coordinating Council & Regional Autism Centers American Academy of Pediatrics Alabama Chapter September 18, 2009 Caroline R. Gomez, Ph.D. ADMH State Autism Coordinator
Faculty Disclosure I do not have a significant financial relationship with the manufacturers of commercial products and/or providers of commercial services discussed in this CME activity. I do not intend to discuss an unapproved/off-label use of a commercial product/device in my presentation.
HB 41: Riley Ward Alabama Autism Support Act Signed April 23, 2009 An Act to provide for: -Creation of the Alabama Interagency Autism Coordinating Council (AIACC), and -Establishment of a lead agency. “There is an urgent and substantial need to develop and implement a statewide comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary, interagency system of care for individuals with ASD and their families” (p.1).
AIACC Composition Governor Appointments (3 adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder [ASD], 3 parents or guardians, 5 service providers; Council Chair; Lead Agency) Senate and House Appointments Agency Designees (Departments of Children’s Affairs, Education, Human Resources, Insurance, Mental Health, Public Health, and Rehabilitation; Institute for Deaf and Blind; Medicaid; University Center of Excellence in DD; Autism Society of Alabama; Council on DD, and Alabama Academy of Pediatrics)
AIACC Long-Term Plan “To develop a long-term plan, reviewed annually, for a comprehensive statewide system of care, which, to the extent practical, is derived from scientific based research and nationally recognized best practices” (p. 7). Plan to include: Identification of barriers; Development of coordinated program of services; Comprehensive fiscal review, analysis, and recommendations for state spending; and Identification of annual action steps. “The implementation of this act shall be subject to the availability of appropriations” (p. 8).
HB 41: Section 8 “Nothing in this act shall be construed as authorizing or allowing the establishment of any medical rule, regulation, policy, protocol, regimen, or medical standard of care” (p.8).
HB 615: Regional Autism Centers Act Signed May 20, 2009 An Act to provide for: -Establishment of regional autism centers, and -Creation of constituency boards. “The Provisions of this section shall become operative only when funds are appropriated by the legislature through a line item appropriation ” (p.5).
Regional Autism Centers “…one or more autism centers whose purpose is to provide nonresidential resource and training services for persons of all ages and all levels of intellectual functioning….” (p. 1). Centers: Locations recommended by AIACC and selected by Governor, Lt. Governor, and Speaker of the House; Centers operationally and fiscally independent; Providing evidence-based services; Consistent in service delivery; and Coordination of services within and between state and local agencies and school districts (may not duplicate services).
Regional Autism Centers Constituency Boards: Work collaboratively with centers; Made up of no fewer than 6 members (each an individual with ASD or member of family of individual with ASD); Recommended by AIACC and other constituency groups and selected by Governor, Lt. Governor, and Speaker of the House; Meet quarterly with center staff; Submit annual reports; and Hold annual conferences with all centers and constituency boards.
Regional Autism Centers “The number of regional centers shall be determined by the AIACC, and where possible; shall be based on campuses of state universities and colleges which provide a proposal for a center to the Alabama Interagency Coordinating Council” (p. 4). Centers provide: Staff with expertise in ASD and related disabilities; Indirect and direct family assistance in home, community, and school (may not supplant responsibilities of agencies and school districts); Technical assistance and consultation services for individual with ASD and family, school district, and other services deemed appropriate; Professional pre-service and in-service training; and Public education programs.
AUTISM: Caring for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders A Resource Toolkit for Clinicians Introduction (AAP Clinical Reports, AAP Algorithm for Developmental Surveillance and Screening, Resources, Web-links) Identification (Surveillance & screening tool info. and Algorithm, Web-based video glossary, Screening Measurement recommendations) Referrals (EI Program Referral Form, Tips for Writing Letters for Insurance Coverage of Therapies/Sample Letters, Local List of Possible Resources) Physician Fact Sheets (Autism Checklist for Healthcare Providers, Meeting the Needs of Children with ASD During Medical Visits, Dental Visits, and other Challenging Procedures, Information sheets (e.g., Sleep Disorders) Family Handouts (Understanding ASD, Emergency Information Form for Children with Autism, Information (e.g., Behavioral Challenges, Sibling Issues, Toilet Training)
Resources Divorce Rate: 80-85% FAM1LY F1RST Program: Keeping Marriages Together in the Autism Community Provides couples with access to counseling, financial aid for counseling, and more. ASD Individuals Prone to Wandering: 92% Found: An Autism Safety Initiative Provides families and counties nationwide with safety tools for children with autism.
Contact Information Caroline R. Gomez, Ph.D. State Autism Coordinator Department of Mental Health Office of Children's Services RSA Union Building 100 N. Union St., Suite 504 P.O. Box Montgomery, AL Phone (334) / Fax (334)