Computer Security Course Syllabus 1 Computer Security Lecturer : H.Ben Othmen
Major Topics Major Topics Covered in the Course (14 week) 2 Computer Security TopicWeek Overview of computer security services1 Passive and active attacks2 Cryptographic public and symmetric keys: DES, AES, RSA3-7 El-Gamal cryptosystem8 Digital signatures and message authentication protocols9-10 Transport layer security, SSL protocol, MAC scheme11-12 Wireless security protocols, WPA, WEP13 Viruses, and Internet attacks14
Major Topics Weekly Hours 3 x 50 mins lectures Textbook/References Network Security Essentials, Fourth Edition, William Stallings, 2011 Additional materials will be distributed during the course. Assessment Methods Project (home work): 20 Mid term exam: 20 Quiz: Final exam: 40 3 Computer Security
CLOs Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) Appreciate the need for computer security and computer protection, including the tradeoffs between different security and protection methods Able to apply concepts of public keys, private keys, cryptosystem, authentication, digital signatures to secure simple systems. Implement some network security protocols such as SSL, MAC, and wireless security, WEP, WAP, and computer viruses, and Internet attacks, and utilize them in real applications to secure Internet traffic. 4 Computer Security
Relationship between CLOs and Student Outcomes 5 Computer Security Student Outcomes – Mapped to CLOs CLOs(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k) CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3
Relationship of Course to ABET Student Outcomes a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, computing, science, and engineering appropriate to the discipline Students apply knowledge of computer security, design to a project, and use this topic for other subjects. Students will realize the importance of security and protection for data and information. b. an ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution --- c. an ability to design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component or program to meet desired --- d. an ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal e. an understanding of professional, ethical, legal and social issues and responsibilities f. an ability to communicate effectively Computer Security
Relationship between CLOs and Student Outcomes g. an ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations and society, including ethical, legal, security and global policy issues Students will be able to analyze the impact of security on organizations and individuals h. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage continuing professional development --- ability to use the current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice. Reports and projects use current computing and modeling/design tools. 7 Computer Security
Relationship between CLOs and Student Outcomes ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices. ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity 8 Computer Security
Course Instructor : L.Hafiza Ben Othmen 9 Computer Security