Fire Safety
FIRE SAFETY Know location of fire alarm pull stations. Know at least two evacuation routes. Familiarize yourself with location of fire extinguishers and the type. Remind people to close fire doors during evacuation process.
Fire Protection Fire extinguishers have current year inspection and are fully charged. Fire extinguishers must be unobstructed. Fire doors must close automatically and remain closed (often left propped open).
Building Evacuation Procedures Recognize the sound of evacuation alarm. If alarm does not sound; yell and pound on doors to alert others. Everyone should know at least 2 ways out of the building. Remain calm, leave quickly, do not use elevators.
Building Evacuation Procedures Knock on restroom doors, open partially and announce “ THE BUILDING IS BEING EVACUATED. PLEASE LEAVE THE BUILDING IMMEDIATELY.” Check area to make sure that others are evacuating. If people do not leave, report their location to first responders.
Persons with Disabilities Help anyone that needs assistance evacuate or reach a designated Area of Refuge away from danger. Notify Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals through visual communications. Assure Blind or Low Vision individuals are escorted. Notify responders of whereabouts if unable to get them out.
Building Evacuation Procedures Close doors and windows as you go. Move away from building at least 100 feet. Do not block access for emergency responders. Do not re-enter the building until cleared by fire or police.
Blocked Exits If exit is blocked use alternate exit. If you suspect fire outside your door feel door knob, do not open if hot. Open window a few inches for fresh air if necessary. Notify emergency personnel of your location by phone or hang something out window. Seal cracks around door with tape or rags. Stay low to ground, place a wet rag if possible over mouth.
Fire Triangle 3 Elements are needed for fire to occur: Fuel – such as combustibles, grease, Heat – ignition source Oxygen – fire will not start or will starve if not enough. - Remove any of the three and the fire will be put out. - Removing fuel is very difficult to accomplish.
Types of Fires
Types of Fire Extinguishers Type A Air Pressurized Water (APW) for combustibles. Type B Carbon Dioxide for flammables. Type C Chemical for electrical. Type D Not used in most schools
When to use a fire extinguisher If you have been trained and can do so safely. When fire is Small, contained and not spreading If you have a clear evacuation route
Using a fire extinguisher
For more info Don Ebert, Risk Manager (509)