Expert Consultation on Phytosanitary Treatments in Bactrocera dorsalis complex Okinawa, Japan, 1-5 December 2014 Phytosanitary Temperature Treatment Expert Group Nelspruit, South Africa, August 2015
2 Meeting Objectives -Tackle scientific/practical constraints in treatment development for B. dorsalis complex -Determine acceptable common approach to address constraints -Identify treatments for B. dorsalis complex approved by N/RPPOs Expected Meeting Outputs -List of N/RPPO approved treatments -Agreement on common approach to treatment development -Plan for future collaboration -A joint peer reviewed paper on treatment development
3 Participation 24 treatment researchers from 12 countries: Australasia: Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam Africa: Mozambique, South Africa Europe: Austria, Italy Americas: Mexico, USA Steering Committee: Ms Ana Lilia MONTEALEGRE (Mexico), TPFF Steward Mr Jan Bart ROSSEL ( Australia), TPPT Steward Mr Manabu SUZUKI (Japan), Organizer Mr Feng CHUNGUANG (China,) Expert Facilitators: Mr Guy HALLMAN (USA), TPPT Member Mr Tim GROUT (South Africa), Expert IPPC Secretariat: Mr Nuri NIYAZI Mr Rui CARDOSO PEREIRA (FAO/IAEA), TPFF Member Mr Brent LARSON
No.Title 1Systematics of B.dorsalis complex 2 : 3 History of treatments developed to control B.dorsalis complex and Current RPPO or NPPO approved treatments 4Background on the status of B. dorsalis in Africa and development of cold treatment 5Efficacy of post-harvest hot water treatment in B.dorsalis (=B.invadens) on mango 6Large-scale mortality test for B.papayae using vapor heat treatment : : 9 Cold treatments, MB fumigation and hot water treatments in 5 spp of B.dorsalis complex : : 12 Background and results of training programme for developing countries on thermal disinfestation treatments for fruit flies including B.dorsalis 13 Proposed steps for developing international standards for phytosanitary temperature treatments 4 Expert Presentations
5 Presentations: Systematics of B.dorsalis complex
6 B. papayae B. philippinensis | B. invades | B. carambolaee Continued
7 Bactrocera invadens has been associated with the B. dorsalis cryptic species complex which includes pest species such as B. carambolae, B. philippinensis and B. papayae. Implications of recent synonymization of 4 Bactrocera fruit flies on application of phytosanitary measures B. dorsalis B. (=invadens) B. (=papayae) B. (=philippinensis) Continued
Origin Importing Countries Commodity Treatment schedule Target PestSource High temperature forced air Hawaii United StatesCitrus 47.2 ℃ in 4 h, for 5 min B.dorsalis, B.cucurbitae, C.papitata USDA 2014, T103-b-1 New ZealandPapaya 47.2 ℃ in ≥ 4 h B.dorsalis, B.cucurbitae, C.papitata MPI NZ 2014 :::::: Hot water immersion HawaiiUnited States Longan, lychee ≥ 49 ℃ for 20 min B.dorsalis, C.papitata USDA 2015, T102-d-1, 2 :::::: Vapor heat treatment India JapanMango 47.5 ℃ for 20 min B.dosalis complex MAFF Japan 2014 New ZealandMango 48 ℃ for 20 min B.dorsalis, B. correcta… MPI NZ 2014 ::::: : 8 Presentations: Current NPPO/RPPO approved treatments
Origin Importing Countries Commodity Treatment schedule Target PestSource Cold treatment Taiwan Japan Pommelo, Grape ≤ 1.0 ℃ for 12 d B.dorsalis complex MAFF Japan 2014 New ZealandLychee ≤ 1.0 ℃ for 14 d B.dorsalis, B.cucurbitae MPI NZ 2014 : : : : : : Ionizing radiation Not specified United States Fruit, vegetables 150 Gy All Tephritidae IPPC 2009 : : : : : : Methyl bromide fumigation Hawaii, Philippines United States Avocado ≥ 21.1 ℃, 32 g/m 3 for 4 h B.dorsalis, B.cucurbitae, C.papitata USDA 2014, T101-c-1 9 Continued
10 Presentations: Large-scale test for B.papayae using VHT
11 Development of phytosanitary treatments for B.dorsalis complex Prioritisation of factors differing between commerce and research: Source of the target pest (feral vs. colony) Mode of infestation (natural vs. artificial) Treatment dose (such as cooling or heating rates) Setting start times and treatment temperature Commodity variety / pest populations Discussions
12 Operational conditions and commercial practicability Treatment starting point, temperature ranges and thresholds: Industry requires specification of a single treatment starting point Shift in setting treatment doses by using mean effective dose (rather than severest extreme of tested range) Discussions Large-scale tests Commercial
13 Outputs List of N/RPPO approved treatments Plan for future collaboration Publication of a peer-reviewed paper, “treatment toolbox” Phytosanitary Treatments against Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae): Current Situation and Future Prospects Toshiyuki Dohino, Guy J. Hallman, Timothy G. Grout, Anthony R. Clarke, Peter A. Follett, Domingos R. Cugala, Duong Minh Tu, Wayan Murdita, Emilio Hernandez, Rui Pereira, Scott W. Myers - Taxonomic Status of Bactrocera dorsalis - Origin and Spread of Bactrocera dorsalis - Phytosanitary Treatments Heat treatments, Cold treatments Ionizing radiation, Methyl bromide fumigation - Regional Research, Development and Application Africa, Asia, Oceania - Future Research and Application
Continuing Efforts 14 Possible differences in treatment response between target pest populations from different geographical regions [22] Variation in treatment response or efficacy from an artifact of the research methodology [25] Comparisons of treatment schedules/studies exist for the same pest and host [24] Differences between the commercial environment and the research supporting phytosanitary treatments [35] Collaboration among phytosanitary treatment researchers in addressing these research concerns in an effort to determine the effects of these factors (e.g. feral vs colony, natural/artificial infestation, cooling/heating rate etc.) on treatment efficacy [38] etc. Excerpt from Report of ECBD
Continuing Efforts Research Regulation Commercial Application Research 15 Pest population difference [22] Methodology difference [25] Comparison schedule/study [24] Research protocol [29] Gap between large scale test and schedule setting (Requirements) in treatment conditions Practical extension of treatment schedules from large scale test into commercial applications [49] Gap between the requirements and operational conditions Gap between the commercial and research in treatment conditions [35] Collaboration among PT researchers to determine the effects of the factors (gaps) on treatment efficacy [38] List of approved schedules [52] Further effort toward treatment for B.dorsalis and related species would be channeled into PTTEG
16 Summary 1.Reasons for meeting - Meeting Objectives - Expected Meeting Outputs 2.Conclusions - Participation - Expert Presentations - Taxonomy of Bactrocera dorsalis, B.papayae, B. philippinensis, B. invadens - List of NPPO/RPPO approved treatment schedule against B.dorsalis - procedure of development for phytosanitary treatments - Discussions 3. Publication resulting - Phytosanitary Treatments against Bactrocera dorsalis: Current situation and Future Prospects 4. Continuing Efforts PTTEG Thank you for your attention