Gene Expression Ilana Granovsky Jonathan Laserson
Yeast Cluster
Our Cluster
Finding the Common Ground Resemblance in DNA sequence Resemblance in protein sequence Regulatory motifs Conserved regions in proteins Protein structure
Sequence Alignment No significant similarity was found
Protein Pairwise BLAST 7 proteins make 21 possible pairs. Only few pairs showed resemblance, with very high expectancy.
Regulatory Motifs We used MEME to find motifs in the DNA sequence prior to the beginning of each gene. Result: no motifs were found.
Regulatory Motifs We used MEME to find motifs inside each gene.
Motif Description 1.Cap signal for transcription initiation 2.Heat shock factor
Conserved Regions in Proteins No motifs were found which shared more than 2 sequences Attempts to divide the proteins to distinct sub-groups also brought no improvement
Secondary Structure No apparent similarity was found
Conclusions Similarity was found in DNA sequence motifs These motifs allow rapid transcription of the genes in specific situations No other similarity was found
Future Analysis There is no alternative to lab experiments!
thanks To Varda