Unit 16 feedback P5 By Lauren,Ben, Ian and Sophie
Launch Date The Launch date for ‘1’ will be on the October 30th on the day before Halloween. Primary and secondary research showed us that previous thriller films released as Halloween specials have been successful. E.G.. Paranormal activity and the last witch hunter which were both released on 30th October During a focus group we asked “Did you go to the cinema in October 2015 to watch a Halloween based film’ 95% said yes
Launch Date
After looking into the primary research even more we came to a consecutive agreement that we would make the time of the year, Halloween in the film itself. This will maximise our profit. Films we are competing with: Gambit (Comic Book) Monster High (Musical) Middle School: The worst Years of My Life (teen) The Girl On The Train (Thriller) The Accountant (Drama) A Monster Calls (Adaptation) Inferno (adaptation) Kevin Hart: What Now? (Concert) Underworld 5 (Thriller) Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (Adaptation) Ouija 2 (Horror)
Our Competition Underworld 5 This can be seen as being in competition with ‘1’ because it involves supernatural themes which is one of the main themes throughout ‘1’. However it is still has the same genre of ‘action’ as ‘1’ does and therefore we will be competing for the same target audience.
Our Competition The girl on the train This film is probably our biggest competition as it is about an alcoholic troubled woman whose husband left her for his mistress, she witnesses a murder and starts to realize that she may have been involved in the crime. This film and ‘1’ both feature themes of crime and they could turn out to be somewhat of a similar nature.
Our Competition Ouija 2 ‘Ouija 2’ and ‘1’ both have themes of horror. A convention of this genre is death, therefore both films are expected to have this feature. As a result of this we will have similar target audiences.
Certification of ‘1’ Our film ‘1’ would need to have a 15 rating. The overall feel of the film is quite dark and leaves you on the edge of your seat. Although there is not any violence and there would only be a small amount of swearing, if any, then it would not meet the 15 classification but the overall vibe and feel of the film would make it a 15. The film would not be an 18 rating because the themes and messages. It’s not promoting anything harmful or dangerous which means that it wouldn’t reach the next classification up. Our film will have things such as jump scares and paranormal themes which would not be suitable for people under the age of about 15. This is why it should have this classification so that it does not reach the wrong market and still reaches our target audience.
Paranormal Activity Paranormal Activity 4 is a film that is predominantly handheld and the shots that are not are cameras that the characters are aware of. There is no use of cameras that the characters don’t know about. Similar to the idea that we are going to do but ours would not include the non-handheld shots. This means that you would feel the same discomfort throughout the entire film. The budget for the first Paranormal Activity was $11,000 This shows the minimal resources that are required to make a small scale version of the film as that budget was spent making a feature length film intended for cinema. the fourth film had a budget of $5 million which is still relatively low for a film being shown in a cinema but a big increase from the previous film. Ours will be different because the plot of ours will involve the characters going somewhere as opposed to the paranormal things happening in their house. Similar films for inspiration
The Blair Witch Project The Blair Witch Project is a found footage horror film about some teenagers who go into the woods and never leave. This will be quite similar to our film because in ours, the police will find the tapes of what happened after the climax has occurred. The budget for this film was $60,000 and this once again shows how little you have to spend in order to create the desired effect on the audience without spending a huge amount of money. This will provide backup to the storyline and will also make you think that the girl being interrogated is telling the truth. The tapes later come back to go against her as there has been parts deleted from the tapes that make her look guilty. Our film will also have a non-linear narrative whilst also technically having the entire film set in one room, similar to True Detective. This means that it will not be extremely hard to recreate at an amateur level. The storyline for our film is quite similar to The Blair Witch Project in the way that is found footage and the narrative is set after the events have taken place. Similar films for inspiration
Legal Issues Copy right could be an issue for out film. We will have to get a copyright on our film idea so that no one else is aloud to copy the idea or make something similar to the idea. With this we can sue anyone that has tried to or has successfully copied the idea. Other legal issues is slander. There is a possibility of slandering one of our own actors or directors. While we interview them and speak to them about their characters and how they found It filming the film there is a possibility of something being said that gives a incorrect piece of information about the person themselves.
Ethical Issues How you portray the main subjects of the film. They Subjects may be of a particular race and you have to be carful how you portray them and what characteristics they have. This also links in with the issue of stereotyping with certain characters. We need to make sure that there is no subtle or obvious stereotyping. Gender quality, Our main character is a women and we have an even amount of male and female characters and there is no violence or abuse between genders in the film.
Adverting We are going to display our adverts at a bus stop and in a cinema. We chose these locations as this is where teens will spend most of their time. College student will be getting the bus to and from their place of education. This means that they will be waiting at a bus stop. If we display out advert here then they will have to look at it at some point. This will mean that almost every student at the stop will see the advert, interested or not they will have thought about whether they would like the film or not. This is the same at the cinema. This is a perfect place to advertise a film as its the place where people watch them. All the people in the cinema will have an interest in films and will be looking at new films they may want to see. If they see our advert then they may be interested in going to watch our film.
Advertising Advertising is the main element that will get people to watch your film. This means that you have to think about where and when you will advertise in order to get the best results. Advertising can come in many forms, from posters on park benches to aeroplane banners. In order to get the best results we will need to think about where our target market will be most. If we placed an advert in an ice rink and our target audience was 50+ then the results would be poor as the majority of people who go to the ice rink are teens.
Social media advertising The jumble of different numbers are irrelevant as the number 1 is highlighted and the centre of attention. This is our profile picture because it is key to our narrative as there is only one character left. Information about starring characters, genre, directors and realise date. By using social media we are able to expand out to a larger target audience.
Cast List