Future Agricultures Consortium Review and Planning Nairobi February 11-13, Ethiopia
Progress and Challenges 1.Policy Process 2.Commercialisations 3.Social Protection 4.Science, Technology and Innovation Ethiopia
1Policy Process An attempt to institutionalise Future Agricultures Held a meeting on July 19, 2008 in the presence of the SM Reached a tentative agreement that we continue as a loose network to keep the dialogue and engagement going Expanded thematic areas: Investing in agriculture & pastoralism Climate change, environment & sustainable development Future farmers & pastoralists Ethiopia
ToR for developed for each group Each “member” completes an expression of interest We plan to form especial women group brought together from the various thematic areas Ethiopia
Initiated an e-discussion on agricultural/pastoral extension system Followed up with a panel discussion in collaboration with MoARD and EIAR This discussion highly valued by government as contributing to the on- going preparation of the extension strategy Ethiopia
Regional groups preparing to hold discussion on the same subject from regional perspective Guidelines prepared and sent to four regions Initiated e-discussion on climate change and its impact on Ethiopian agriculture Established contact with NMA for a possible special briefing Ethiopia
Broadened institutional base (within and outside MoARD) Identified libraries that are used by policy makers, implementers, researchers and students at national and regional levels (MoARD, EIAR, MoFED, Parliament regional and colleges and universities) Ethiopia
Engagement Green revolution in Africa – participated/contributed to a follow up e-debate on farmers’ voice CAADP – Ethiopia has accelerated the process partly due to the push from Future Agricultures. Attended the launch. Preliminary request received from Parliament to brief all Standing Committee members (over 200) on FAC activities The Donor Group has shown interest to engage FAC in government-donor platform on agriculture growth Ethiopia
2 Commercialisations A draft concept note that highlights the objective, methodology and work plan developed Established contact with experts who will organize and facilitate field work Broad outline and checklist developed Coordination mechanism between qualitative and quantitative agreed Ethiopia
3Social protection Contribution to the various reviews of the safety net programme Contribution to the on-going formulation of the food security programme of which safety net is a major component Waiting for opportunities to contribute to the revision of social welfare policy Approached by an NGO to jointly undertake an inventory of social protection practices Ethiopia
4Science, technology and innovations Hosted a scoping study consultant Facilitated interviews with our constituents and other institutions Looking forward to the report Ethiopia
Challenges In Phase I, the Ethiopia team made the best use of the limited policy space by continues dialogue, non-threatening approach, social capital. This will continue in Phase II. However, the policy space is getting narrower due to the new law governing Charities and Societies. This will affect FAC work across the board Ethiopia
Although we have set up various working groups for themes, to get them moving is a challenge (i.e. the question of incentives/ expectations) Timely budget release to undertake field work (re: commercialisation) With respect to social protection, low profile of MoLSA The perception that it is more concerned with urban issues only. Identifying an institution that can drive STI Ethiopia
Country Policy process Year 2 plan –Strengthen national forum by broadening institutional base –Strengthen regional forums to enable them generate policy/strategic ideas –Establish effective link between regional and national forums –Provide material support to key libraries –Assist the CAADP process in Ethiopia –Carry out internal review of FAC work in Ethiopia Ethiopia
Year 3 plan –Institutionalise FAC with the most suitable government institution (e.g. MoARD). This may involve, –Signing MoU that ensures continuity of support to regional forums and linkage between national and regional forums –Providing resource backup (e.g. assigning a TA that can help the institution implement the planned thematic works) –Continue support to key libraries Ethiopia
Commercialisation Plans for Year II Research –Conduct field surveys –Literature review –Data analysis and write research report. Publication and communication/policy engagement –Produce policy brief or/and working paper. Ethiopia
Disseminate/communicate this to Present research findings at the 9 th international conference on the Ethiopian economy Publish research findings on FAC various media and as FAC output on the Ethiopian Journal Economics to facilitate for wider dissemination in the country. Ethiopia
Plan for Year III. –Prepare research concept on ‘Small-investor Farmers’ –Proposed title: Small-investor Farmers: Lessons as a key pathway to agricultural commercialization Ethiopia
Social Protection Year 2 Carry out an inventory of Social Protection Policies and Practices in Ethiopia Organise a national workshop to present findings and start a dialogue on long term social protection Assist the government to revise the existing Social Welfare Policy Ethiopia
Year 3 Help the government in familiarisation of the revised policy at regional and national levels Ethiopia
Thank you Ethiopia
Scenarios Workshops across FAC countries and CAADP engagement Scenarios Workshops There is some degree of consensus amongst us that Kenya and Malawi could benefit from efforts made in Ethiopia to promote a bottom- up/all inclusive policy dialogue. This process will help the countries build broad based constituency for FAC To this end, the following preliminary steps are suggested: Ethiopia
Year 2 & 3: Hold meetings with the respective country teams to: –Understand the administrative and governance structure of the two countries –Review existing agriculture and rural development policies –Identify policy dialogue needs based on the review and discussion with potential stakeholders –Develop a plan based on the identified needs –Assist country teams implement the plans Ethiopia
CAADP engagement Link CAADP focal persons for Ethiopia, Kenya and Malawi to facilitate experience sharing both electronically and face-to-face where possible Liaison with COMESA/CAADP on future events and attend selected key CAADP events Produce reports identifying the synergy and gaps between FAC thematic areas and CAADP pillars. Ethiopia
Special Cases/Opportunities “Future Farmers: Matching Opportunities with Aspirations” - There are possibilities for convening dialogues, documenting personal testimonies (video/audio work) and commissioning short research papers in the three countries. Farmer organisations – building on the opportunities created by the Belinda & Gates Foundation study, opening dialogue on the role FOs in agriculture and rural development. Results will be fed to CAADP and AGRA. Ethiopia
The End Ethiopia