Land and Water East Asia
Objectives 1. describe the main physical features of East Asia, 2. Analyze how the physical features of East Asia affects where people live, 3. Identify the natural geological forces that created the region's landforms
Monday Student Presentation Journal Activity I
Journal Landforms are important no matter where you live. Make a list of all the physcial features in your region that you can think of. Include mountains, hills, valleys, rfivers, lakes, streams, oceans, islands, and forests. Be sure to include even tghose you have never seen. Which of these physical features atgtrasctg visitors? Why?
Reading and Activity Read AAA pps Discuss how some physical features of the United States are also symbols of our country. Show pictures of the Grand Canyon and the Mississippi River as examples. Name other important physical features of the United State
Land and Water Activity I work in pairs and combine information from the physical and population density maps of East Asia to create a single map, copy its labels, and indicate areas of high population density by shading with a colored pencil. Choose two physical features and explain why they attract so many people. Mention two sparsely areas and ask what keeps the people away from them. A= maps and explanations draw parallels with population densities in other parts of the world. B=maps and explanations display an understanding of how physical features support or inhibit economic activity. C=maps and explanations fulfill the minimum requirements listed.
13.1 Land and Water Review Complete 3 - 6
Tuesday Student Presentation Vocabulary Review Worksheet 13.1
Wednesday Student Presentations Journal/warm up Reading and discussion Climate and Vegetation Activity I 13.2 Review Tomorrow bring any make up or correction work that you have.
Objectives 4. Identify the major climate and vegetation regions of East Africa, 5. Analyze how climate and vgetation affect the lives of East Asian People.
Journal/warm up How would you describe the climate where you live? How dos it affect what you do, wear, and eat? Make a lift of five ways in which the climate affects what you do and how you do it.
Reading and Activity Read AAA pps Describe the climate of the area you live in. Describe the kind and amount of precipitation and the temperature during different seasons, how long or easy it is to live in this climate. What kind of vegetation do you see around you? What, if any, crops are grown for food?
Climate and Vegetation Activity Create a chart about one type of climate in this regions. Describe the climate, list places that have this climate, and describe the vegetation of the climate area. List the types of natural disasters that occur in this climate and why they occur here. A=charts show originality and demonstrate a clar understanding of how climate affects vegetatiion and human activities. B=charts cover more information and present it in an organized and clear way. C= charts list at least two places with this climate and describe one or tow types of vegetation
13.2 Review Complete 3 - 6
Thursday Student Presentation Vocabulary Review 13.2 worksheet
Vocabulary monsoon typhoon deciduous
Review 1. How would you describe the climates of East Asia? 2. How does climate determine what vegetation grows in different parts of East Asia? 3. Where do you think a farmer moving to East Asia would choose to live? Why? Consider the effects of landforms and climate. 4. Write a letter to a friend who is planning a long trip to East Asia. Explain to your friend what climate conditions can occur during different times of the year in different areas. Mention the dangers of typhoons and floods. Include suggestions for clothing.
Worksheet 13.2 worksheet
Friday Student Presentation Friday is Clean up day. Complete and/or correct assignments from earlier in the week. Students that have none of this work to do will be active in creating a social studies computer games.