Collective impact is the commitment of a group of important actors from different sectors to a common agenda for solving a specific problem. Large-scale change comes from better cross- sector coordination rather than from the isolated intervention of individual organizations. Collaboration achieves more than any one entity can achieve on its own. Kania, J., & Kramer, M. (2011). Collective impact. Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter COLLECTIVE IMPACT 2
FINDING COMMON GROUND ‘Look, I know you and I have had our differences, but can we at least agree that the goldfish is pointless?’ 3
WHY the Honey Bee Health Coalition?
Source: Agriculture and Agrifood Canada THE WORLD RELIES ON THE HONEY BEE The amount of dollars of U.S. agricultural production supported by honey bee pollination 80% Honey Bees Are a Key Component to Sustainable Agriculture, Healthy Diets, the Global Food Supply, and the Economy 1/3 of global food production volume relies on pollinators to some degree of flowering plants are pollinated by honey bees and other insects *Significant to beef and diary industries as cattle feed The annual value of honey bee pollination in Canada. The future security of America's food supply depends on healthy honey bees Tom Vilsack, Agriculture Secretary AlmondsApplesBroccoliStrawberriesAlfalfa $1.5 Billion $18 Billion Per year A Healthy Diet U.S. Agriculture Canadian Agriculture * Source: USDA Source: Calderone, 2012 Source: Klein, 2007
THE CURRENT CHALLENGE Factors that Pose a Challenge for Honey Bee Health Today, a major decline in honey bee health has put agriculture, healthy lifestyles, and worldwide food security at risk. U.S. overwintering losses for managed honey bees between 2007 and 2011 ranged from approximately 28-33%, compared to a historical rate of overwintering losses of 10-15%.* *Source: Survey data generated by USDA The Challenge APPROX. 30% Of honey bee population lost each winter, compared to 10-15% historically This decline in bee health has been linked to a variety of factors, including those influenced by the activities associated with both beekeeping and crop production. Stress Factors Incidental Pesticide Exposure Lack of Genetic Diversity in Breeding Arthropod & Disease Pests Lack of Forage & Nutrition
A SHARED FOOD VALUE CHAIN Honey Bees Play a Foundational Role in Our Food Value Chain MANY STAKEHOLDERS, ONE AGRICULTURE Producers Farming Beekeepers, honey producers, and honey bees Agribusinesses Inputs (seeds, fertilizers, crop chemicals, equipment) Trading Processing Manufacturers & Brands Restaurants Consumer brands Retail Consumers Shopping Consumption Researchers, Government Agencies, & Academia Research, Education, Extension, Regulation
WHAT’S AT STAKE FOR MEMBERS OF THE COMMUNITY? If a diversity of stakeholders in public, private, non-profit sectors across the food value chain do not effectively collaborate on this issue, through research, communication, project implementation, and other mechanisms, we risk: A decline in the health of honey bees and other managed and native pollinators, and an increase in overwintering losses of honey bees Economic impacts on the beekeeping industry and on growers and producers whose crops are pollinated by bees Impacts to our global food supply and healthy ecosystems Decisions that lack multi-stakeholder support and are not based upon good science, which could limit growers’ ability to manage crops and support our global food supply Continued confusion across sectors about what the root causes of the problems are – and a lack of focus on solutions that work for multiple parties What’s at Stake?
WHO and WHAT is the Honey Bee Health Coalition?
ENVISIONING A BETTER FUTURE Why the Honey Bee Health Coalition Exists Our Mission: Our mission is to collaboratively implement solutions that will help to achieve a healthy population of honey bees while also supporting healthy populations of native and managed pollinators in the context of productive agricultural systems and thriving ecosystems. Our Vision: Healthy Bees, Healthy People, Healthy Planet Our Strategic Goals: Improve honey bee health at all levels Implement novel and proven solutions Enhance effective communications Promote science for decision-making
Coalition members work across the full food value chain: Beekeepers and Honey Producers Crop Producers Agribusinesses Manufacturers and Brands Agencies and Universities Conservation Groups and Bee-Focused NGOs Honey Bee Health Coalition Membership
How the Coalition Operates Membership and funding Charter, governance, and ground rules Independent, third-party facilitation 14
Coalition Foundational Principles Multi-factor; no silver bullets All have a positive role to play Promote solution implementation Science- and outcomes-based; technology inclusive Understand and respect interests Seek common ground where it is possible Recognize geographic and stakeholder variability Promote voluntary solutions Build upon existing work 15
WHAT is the Coalition doing?
Formalization of Coalition with members from across diverse sectors – June 2014 Identification of strategic priorities, goals, and action items in the Bee Healthy Roadmap – October 2014 Recommendations to U.S. Pollinator Health Task Force – November 2014 and ongoing Initial coordination with Canada Bee Health Roundtable – December 2014 Roadmap implementation and deliverables Overview of Milestones 17
Bee Healthy Roadmap Shares the Coalition’s mission, vision, and strategic goals Identifies 4 top priorities that need collective action and collaboration 18
Nutrition & Forage Hive Management Crop Pest Management Cross Industry Collaboration HONEY BEE HEALTH COALITION PRIORITIES The Coalition is focusing on accelerating collective impact to improve honey bee health in four key areas. Put the best available tools, techniques, and technologies in the hands of beekeepers so they can better manage their hives. Control crop pests while safeguarding pollinator health. Ensure honey bees – especially those in and around production agriculture – have access to a varied and nutritious diet. 34 Work together to improve honey bee health; promote public-private collaboration across diverse stakeholders.
Hive Management Goal: Put the best available tools, techniques, and technologies in the hands of beekeepers so they can better manage their hives Activities: Promoting investment in tech transfer Summarizing tools for varroa mite control Fostering partner initiatives for identifying and registering new varroa control products 20
Forage and Nutrition Goal: Ensure honey bees – especially in and around production agriculture – have access to a varied and nutritious diet throughout their lives Activities – Promoting bee forage on agricultural lands and other public and private lands – Promoting enhancements for nutritional supplements 21
Crop Pest Control Goal: Control crop pests and safeguard pollinator health Activities Promoting best practices to safeguard honey bee health Exploring opportunities to promote and improve reporting of honey bee health incidents related to crop pest control 22
Cross-Industry Collaboration Goal: Work together to improve honey bee health Activities Promoting public-private education, communications, outreach, and collaboration across diverse stakeholders, through experiential learning and other platforms 23
Coming this Year… Implementation and deliverables in each of the 4 priority areas Continued engagement of new partners and coordination with related efforts Increased communications and outreach (newsletter, website, conferences) 24
In Summary Collaboration across diverse stakeholders provides unique opportunity for collective impact in solving the complex issues associated with honey bee health decline. The Honey Bee Health Coalition is engaging beekeepers, honey producers, and public-private partners throughout agriculture, research, government, and conservation to promote multi-factor solutions for honey bee health. 25
More Information ‘To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.’ - African Proverb 26