Welcome Back, Juniors… This is the semester that I get inside your cabezas (heads).
America After the Civil War: What Now? In 1619, the first African slaves were brought to Jamestown, making them the first slaves in North America. Over the next 220 years, slavery became more and more a part of American life, particularly in the South.
America After the Civil War: What Now? By 1850, cotton production greatly increased the demand for slaves. On the eve of the Civil War, there were 4 million slaves in America.
America After the Civil War: What Now? When you consider how long slavery existed, how important slavery was to the Southern economy, and how many slaves there were, the Old South was THE MOST POWERFUL SLAVE EMPIRE the modern world has ever seen. Then the Civil War came. Finally, the question over slavery had to be answered.
America After the Civil War: What Now? Once Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, slavery was declared over in the Southern (Confederate) states. After the war was over, the 13th Amendment officially abolished slavery in America.
America After the Civil War: What Now? But after slavery was abolished, institutionalized racism took its place. Slavery left a stain on America that would take generations to begin to disappear.
America After the Civil War: What Now? RECONSTRUCTION