SMART SHOPPING Essential Question: How do your shopping habits affect the quality, nutrition, and cost of the foods you buy?
WHERE do you shop? Basic Supermarket Ex: Weis, Giant Have Many Items Lower prices Sales Non-food Items Loyalty Card Special Departments Pharmacy Flowers BakeryDeli Bank 1.
WHERE do you shop? “Mom & Pop” Neighborhood Ex: Pop’s IGA Higher Prices Smaller Fewer Choices Less in-store walking Closer to home Delivery 2.
WHERE do you shop? Discount Food Stores Ex: Aldi’s No Shelf Stocking Very Plain Low Prices No Bags Fewer Payment Options Limited Choices 3.
WHERE do you shop? Food Co-Op Members Run Store Low Cost Must be a Member Repackaging Few Services Limited Choices 4.
WHERE do you shop? Specialty Ex: Candy store, Bakery, Organic Hard to find choices Higher prices One type of food but many choices 5.
WHERE do you shop? Convenience Stores Ex: Sheetz, 7-Eleven Fewer Choices Open 24/7 Higher Prices ATM RTE Food Gas 6.
WHERE do you shop? Farmers’ Markets Fresh Lower Prices Quantity No other services Limited Hours 7.
WHERE do you shop? OTHER: Internet Warehouse Wholesale Clubs (Sam’s) Health Food Store Supercenters
WHAT should you look for? Products *Name brands – sold nationally, upscale labeling, nationally advertised *Store brands – sold under store label, advertised locally, packaging is simple *Generic brand – label is plain, not advertised The above products have the same nutrition, but the quality may differ.
WHAT should you look for? Pricing *Unit Pricing – the nationally of each unit of measure, use these to comparison shop, units may be: lbs., oz., piece, this is found on the shelf, not the product. *UPC – series of black lines, blocks, and numbers – identifies product, manufacturer, size, and type
WHAT should you look for? Open Dating *Freshness Date – how long a food will be fresh and tasty, after that date the product is still safe to eat, but may not taste as good. *Sell By or Pull Date – the last day a product should be sold, not the last day you should eat it. It will stay fresh and safe for about a week. *Expiration Date – the last day a food should be eaten, it may not be safe to eat if the date has passed.
HOW should you shop? Have a Shopping Plan Prepare:1. Plan meals 2. Check sales and coupons 3. Consider stocking up on staple foods
HOW should you shop? List:1. Write down everything you need and the amounts. 2. Check what you have and cross out things you have. 3. Group like items together. This saves time and energy. 4. Consider alternatives 5. Lists help you avoid impulse buying.
HOW should you shop? Buy:1. Eat before you shop (you buy 15% more if you’re hungry). 2. Shop alone. 3. Cross items off when you have it in your cart
Packaging and carts Packages: YES Clean Sealed NO Sticky Dirty Torn Rusty Dented Leaking Bulging Frosty Carts: Bread, fresh fruit Cold foods Heavy cans & boxes