Workshop Objectives & Organisation Jérôme Benveniste ESA-ESRIN Earth Observation Science, Applications and Future Technologies Dpt
Workshop Objectives “GOCE 2014, The fifth international User Workshop” aims to present and discuss state-of-the-art discoveries in these areas: – The new GOCE science products, gravity field models and gravity gradient data sets – Cal/Val and data quality – Oceanography – Solid Earth physics – Geodesy – Aeronomy – Innovative applications beyond the original mission objectives – Science and engineering lessons from the de-orbiting and re-entry phase – Synergies with other data sets and space missions – Future gravity field mission
Workshop Objectives (2) This Workshop provides an opportunity to publicise higher-level data processing, output results, further geophysical validation and to coordinate such activities. This workshop presents a unique opportunity to – have first-hand information on latest developments – discuss the use of GOCE products for scientific research and application with your colleagues – show and discuss your latest results with the new release of GOCE products – provide recommendations to ESA for further scientific exploitation.
Discussions There are discussion times at the end of each session, animated by two moderators, to foster discussions about the GOCE Mission results and issues relevant to future developments. The discussions shall also allow ESA to capture all the participants’ recommendations for further improvement of GOCE products and encourage new algorithms and products development, (including further functionalities of the GUT). Chairs will draft a report “Summary and Recommendations”… You can help them by contributing some write-up in your own words.
The GOCE User Toolbox Demos The GOCE User Toolbox (GUT) – Get familiar with the latest version – Get acquainted with the functionalities of the GOCE User Toolbox, its Tutorial and the Group of Scientists behind it – Hands-on training opportunities all week during coffee breaks and poster session with Bruno Lucas
Workshop Organisation Keynotes this morning and a press event Eight oral sessions In order to avoid parallel sessions and to facilitate scientific discussion among the participants, the Workshop has been organised with a dedicated plenary poster sessions The poster area will remain open for three days – Take down on Thursday evening/Friday before 1 st session – Posters are just outside room II, in the coffee break area
Logistics: Coffee and Lunch Coffee breaks will be in the hall (Poster area) Many lunch options at the UNESCO Cafeterias and in the neighbourhood Ice breaker cocktail this evening right after the session (7 th floor) No host dinner on Thursday evening
Logistics: No Host Dinner Make sure you have registered for dinner (35 €) – if not please do it not later than going to lunch
Logistics: No Host Dinner 40, rue de la Montagne Sainte Geneviève Direct by metro: Ségur -> Maubert Mutualité (line 10) Ségur Maubert Line 10 – dir. Austerlitz
Logistics: Internet A wireless LAN service is at your disposal for connecting your laptop to the internet – Hotspot name: HQ-AIR-PUB – Login: hq-air – Password: uneswifi Please avoid connecting both your cell phone and your computer at the same time
GOCE2011 Objectives and Organisation J. Benveniste Logistics: Your Presentation Please give your presentation on a USB-key to Bruno Lucas, at the Upload Desk… well in advance of your session !
Your Proceedings Full Paper For the few of you who have not yet submitted your proceedings paper, please do so during the workshop using the internet access facilities – DEADLINE Friday 28 November Author instructions on
Thank you!