Understanding Revolutions A Political Revolution: The French Revolution
The Tricolour Colour of Paris Colour of the Bourbons Fraternity EqualityLiberty
Discontents Ideas The French Revolution
LIBERTY EQUALITY Born equal The Right to live Free trade Freedom of worship Ideas of Enlightenment 18th Century 18th Century The Right to elect representatives to gov’t bodies
The Enlightenment Locke Rousseau Montesquieu Voltaire
Government by consent of people A contract between gov’t & people If gov’t breaks contract The right to rebel Locke
Separation of Power Legislative Executive Judicial Check Balance Montesquieu
Influence of the Enlightenment It prepared the ground for change - a revolution in the minds of the people Government by Divine Right Government by consent of the people 17th century 18th century
Assignments: 1. Summarize the ideas of Locke and Montesquieu in a paragraph of about 50 words each. 2. Recommend one useful website where you can find information about the enlightened ideas of Voltaire and Rousseau and others.
The French Revolution Discontents Ideas of Enlightenment
Political Discontents Social and Economic Discontents
Political Discontents of the French people Absolute Monarchy - Rule by Divine Right A weak king(Louis XVI) - indecisive, influenced by others(Queen Marie Antoinette) little understanding of the condition of the people empty treasury failure in wars and heavy cost of wars luxury of the court system of unequal taxation
97% The Third Estate: Common People (the middle class[4%], the workers[8%], the peasants[85%]) Social and Economic Discontents of the French Revolution Social inequality The First Estate: The Clergy The Second Estate: The Nobility : Privileges & Restrictions 3%
From the diary of the English writer Arthur Young, on his travel through France, July “Walking up a long hill…. I was joined by a poor woman who complained of the times and that it was a sad country;… she said her husband had only a small amount of land, one cow and a poor little horse, yet they had……very heavy tailles, other taxes and dues. She had seven children, and …This woman, at no great distance might have been taken for 60 or 70, her figure was so bent and her face so … hardened by labour - but she said she was only 28.” 1. To which social group did this ‘old’ woman belong? 2. What kind of suffering was she complaining about?
Class Discussion Refer to the cartoon on p2 of Book 2B. –The old man represents the Third Estate. To which social group of that estate does he belong? What clues does the cartoonist use to make the suggestion? – What do the other two people represent? What helps you think so? –Do you think that the cartoon has reflected fully the problem of social inequality in France before the French revolution?
The French Revolution Discontents Ideas of Enlightenment
French soldiers supported the American colonists against the the British. They were impressed and inspired by the spirit of the colonists The American Revolution The Enlightenment 1780 The French Revolution Influence of the American Revolution
The French Revolution Discontents Ideas of Enlightenment The influence of the American Revolution
Absolute Monarchy Constitutional Monarchy Republic Stages of The French Revolution 1799 Napoleonic Era 1815
Useful Website on the French Revolution: EB/index.htm