We hope that you have enjoyed your Spring term at Urmston Junior School. Hope the next term is as successful. Mrs. Harness/Mrs Durrant, Miss Shipley and Mrs Helyar
Fiction and poetry: adventure and mystery stories stories by the same author Myths, legends and fables Humorous poetry - limericks Place Value, ordering, estimating rounding. Understanding x and ÷, + and -. Money and ‘real li f e’ problems. Fractions, Multiplication and Division Handling Data. Shape and space. Reasoning about shapes. Measures and time. (mm, cm, m, km, ml, l, kg, g.Scales. Fractions Roman Numerals Non-Fiction: alphabetic texts, directories, indexes encyclopaedias
Making a Roundhouse Textiles Levers Electricity Athletics Tennis Cricket / Rounders Buddhism Sewing / weaving Portraying relationships Who lived in Britain first? World War II Manipulating pictures and text Filming and editing s Powerpoint / Word European countries (World War II) Recycling within the local environment Myself and others ‘Let your spirit fly’. ‘Reflect, rewind and replay’. Singing, instruments and composition. The Skeleton and Muscles Nutrition Electricity Light and Dark
Children cannot do PE if they do not have their kit. P.E. kit should be in school at all times. (red or white t-shirt/polo shirt and black shorts – black pumps/ trainers). Earrings must be removed or covered for PE. Hair is to be tied back. ‘Who lived in Britain first?’ This will cover from the Stone Age- Bronze Age – Iron Age. ‘How can Usain Bolt move so quickly? How far can you throw a shadow? World War II Daily reading of six pages or more per night. Remember to bring your book to school every day. Homework is given out on Wednesday and is expected back in by the following Monday. Keep learning the ‘coloured’ spellings and remind your child to write their name in the book when they are ready for testing. Keep learning the times tables. After Easter it is expected that all children will be joining their writing in every subject. You can help your child by continuing to practise the joins at home