Negotiations For Contract Year
Salary Increase: Salary Increase of 5% to the salary schedule for the time members were on paid status during the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Off schedule payment of 2% Current and retired members will receive the 5% and 2% for the time they were on paid status The 5% will be ongoing for current unit members
Other Salary Related Negotiations Unit members can now be paid for up to two Advanced Degrees (masters/doctorate) Athletic Director and Coaches –salaries and descriptions have been added to the contract Middle School “Club” (Golf and Tennis) coaches salaries and descriptions have been added to the contract Nurses will receive $50/mo for using their own mobile phones throughout the year
Salary related negotiations cont… Early notice of retirement: On or before Oct. 1 shall receive $1000, After October 1 st but before january 10 th shall receive $250 New members may now be placed on the salary schedule up to step E-15 SLPs and PSYCHs no longer required to teach summer school
Progressive Discipline: NEW ARTICLE Article 25 To assure our members: JUST CAUSE DUE PROCESS RIGHT TO REPRESENTATION
MOU was written: Signing Bonuses and Financial Assistance for Hard to Fill Positions for the School Year *Special Education Teachers *School Psychologists *Speech and Language Pathologists *Program Specialist
Article 12 – Teaching Hours If a middle school teacher is asked to sub during their prep, they will be paid at the rate of $50 / hour If an elementary school teacher is called upon to sub they will be compensated at: 1-6 students $50/half day and $100/ full day Over 7 students $75/ half day and $150/ full day Eacher teacher shall prepare 3 days of sub lesson plans and materials for emergency situations. Teachers may collaborate by grade level or per subject to create plans.
Article 5 - Leaves Included into the contract is the new law regarding Family Leave and Child Bonding Leave 12 Weeks bonding leave for new parents Members will first exhaust sick days and then go on differential pay for the remainder of the 12 weeks.
Article 12 Teaching Hours (Special Education) Special Education teachers assigned to work at two or more sites may only be assigned yard duty at one site K-5 th grade RS and SDC teacher will receive 3 floating, on site IEP planning/prep days 4 th and 5 th grade SDC teachers will have an additional 3 floating, on site IEP planning/preparation days Special Ed Teachers are exempt from additional adjunct duty assignments. IEP meetings account for Special education teacher’s 25 hours.
Late Start “Collaborative Wednesdays” New Language: “It is the parties’ intent that the FAC should take an active role in the creation of the “Collaborative Wednesday” calendar by providing input through discussions with the principal. Principal will provide a tentative annual calendar to the staff by the first instructional day.
Early release “Collaborative Tuesdays” Staff meetings shall not be scheduled to occur on individual planning Collaborative Tuesdays FAC will take an active role in creating calendar Tentative calendar will be distribuled to FAC prior to the end of school year and finalized by the first day of instruction the subsequent year Every effort will be made for the agenda for Tuesdays to be given 24 hours prior to meeting or activity
Article 7 Special Education NEW LANGUAGE: SPED unit members, SLPs, PSYCHs, should confer regarding caseload concerns with the Director of of SPED to determine if additional support is necessary YCC Preschool – It is the districts intent to make every reasonable effort to keep caseloads at 20 or below. If this is not possible, then the district shall confer with the association prior to adding students to the SDC preschool caseload.
Article 6 Employer Initiated Transfer NEW LANGUAGE: Prior to considering the transfer of 5 or more unit members from one site, the district and the association will develop intervention steps with the intent to resolve the issue (e.g. Progressive discipline, mediation, meeting with employee(s)). If remediation does not resolve the problem, the association will take an active role in conjunction with the district in the development of the transfer process.