Will Rogers Physical Education Teachers Breanna Parker Marty McCrory Ed Tupper Ed Tupper
Will Rogers Physical Education Curriculum Promotes activities that create life long love of healthy movement. Promotes activities that create life long love of healthy movement. Meets physical education state standards for 6 th, 7th and 8th graders. Meets physical education state standards for 6 th, 7th and 8th graders. Builds social skills, leadership, and responsibility through game play. Builds social skills, leadership, and responsibility through game play. Helps students work on ownership of personal fitness and overall health. Helps students work on ownership of personal fitness and overall health.
Grading This applies to: Fitness intensity Fitness intensity Demonstration of personal responsibility Demonstration of personal responsibility Demonstration of social responsibility Demonstration of social responsibility Content knowledge Content knowledge Unit activity Unit activity Time on task Time on task Fitness Journal Fitness Journal
PE Make Up’s If you miss a full class period for injury, absence, counseling, or any other reason you must make up any lost time. See your teacher regarding make ups. PE make up sessions available on Thursday’s from 1:10- 1:30 with either Mr. Tupper or Ms. Parker. Meet in PE bleachers by 1:10pm. PE make up sessions available on Thursday’s from 1:10- 1:30 with either Mr. Tupper or Ms. Parker. Meet in PE bleachers by 1:10pm. NEW THIS YEAR: PE make up sheets available ONLY for field trips and school-related absences, such as independent study. NEW THIS YEAR: PE make up sheets available ONLY for field trips and school-related absences, such as independent study.
P.E. Uniform Blue Will Rogers Shorts Blue Will Rogers Shorts Gray Will Rogers Shirt Gray Will Rogers Shirt Sweats Sweats –Gray or black Shoes Shoes –Laces tied and no platforms –No Slip-on shoes
Loaners Students are required to wear PE uniforms every day. Students are required to wear PE uniforms every day. If a student does not have their uniform for that day they will be loaned a shirt and shorts. If a student does not have their uniform for that day they will be loaned a shirt and shorts. After three occurrences a phone call will be made home. After three occurrences a phone call will be made home. The fourth occurrence will be a lunch detention The fourth occurrence will be a lunch detention
Medical Excuses Notes from parents must have all of the following information –Students first and last name –Specific reason (i.e. injured left ankle) –Parent signature, date and phone number –The date(s) of nonparticipation *Parental notes are only valid for 5 days –Notes do not excuse the student from dressing out Missed activity points MUST be made up during designated PE make up days/times. (Two Thursdays a month) Missed activity points MUST be made up during designated PE make up days/times. (Two Thursdays a month) *Inhalers (names and register in office)
Medical Excuse 9/2/14 Please excuse (First Last name) from PE today and tomorrow (9/2/14 & 9/3/14) because he/she has a hurt wrist from soccer practice last night. He/She is able to (walk, perform sit ups, lunges, etc). Mrs. Parent
Activities Soccer Dance Dance Revolution Soccer Dance Dance Revolution Ultimate Frisbee Fitness Activities Ultimate Frisbee Fitness Activities Basketball Mile Runs Basketball Mile Runs Rugby Pickle Ball Rugby Pickle Ball Weight room skills Volleyball Weight room skills Volleyball Square and Swing Dancing Hockey Square and Swing Dancing Hockey Track and Field Nutrition Track and Field Nutrition Cooperative Games Health Cooperative Games Health Golf Disc Golf Golf Disc Golf
Locker Room AllowedNot Allowed Deodorant/LotionBody Spray Extra Pair of socks/shoesBackpacks P.E. ClothesFood Water Inhaler
After School Sports Volleyball Volleyball –Currently taking signups Flag Football Flag Football –Currently taking signups Boys’ Basketball (November)* Boys’ Basketball (November)* Girls’ Basketball (January)* Girls’ Basketball (January)* Wrestling (January)* Wrestling (January)* Track and Field (March)* Track and Field (March)*
Tech Rules Phones used strictly for fitness. Phones used strictly for fitness. –Abusing this tech rule = loss of phone privilege Ear buds only in during fitness, not instruction Ear buds only in during fitness, not instruction –Abusing this tech rule = loss of ear bud privilege
Fitness Apps Map My Run Map My Run Heart Rate Heart Rate Tabata Pro Tabata Pro BMI calculator BMI calculator Seconds Seconds Pocket WOD Pocket WOD