Playground Rules and Expectations
General Rules Value Self, Value Others and Value Learning No Bullying (Hitting, Kicking, Teasing, Name Calling) Stay inside the fenced area No climbing fences or backstops Line up quickly when the whistle blows Have Fun! Value Self, Value Others and Value Learning No Bullying (Hitting, Kicking, Teasing, Name Calling) Stay inside the fenced area No climbing fences or backstops Line up quickly when the whistle blows Have Fun!
General Rules for the Equipment No tag on the equipment at anytime No climbing on the outside of the red railing or tube slide No sitting on the red railing or on top of the climbers or monkey bars No running or pushing on the equipment
Swings Sit on the Swings No Spinning or Twisting No Jumping Off Take Turns
Slides Slide sitting on your bottom with your feet in front of you One person at a time Slides are “Down Only” areas No pushing people down the slides
Climbers Climbers are “Up and Down” areas One person at a time Hold on with both hands Take turns
Monkey Bars Start on ladder side and end on platform side One person at a time No climbing on the Top Drop straight down if you can’t make it across Start
Rock Wall The Rock Wall is an “Up Only” area Several Children can be on the Rock Wall at one Time The Rock Wall is closed when there is Ice, Frost or Snow on it No Pushing or Jumping off
Fireman Pole The fireman pole is a “Down Only” area One person at a time Look before going down Hold on all the way down Get out of the way for the next person
Diggers One person at a time Make sure other students are out of the way Take turns
Stand Up Spinner One student 3-5 or two students K-2 at a time Standing or sitting Hold on Take turns Change people after slow count of 30
Tea Cup Spinners One person at a time Sit all the way in the spinner Take turns Change people after a slow count to 30
Funnel Ball Many students can play this game Make sure to use a small kickball Take turns shooting Agree on basic rules before playing
Playhouse This is an area for pretend play No climbing on the playhouse No climbing through the window
Spring Toys One person at a time Sit on the spring toy, facing forward Rock front to back Take turns
Small Climber One Person at a time Go slowly, No running The Small Climber is closed when it has ice, frost or snow on it
Blacktop Area Used for: Basketball, Tetherball, Hopscotch,4 Square, Jump rope No Football, Kickback or Soccer Students stay on the blacktop in winter when not wearing boots
Field Used for: Football, Soccer, Tag games, running around, Snow forts in the winter Students can use the whole field when there are two adults outside Students can go to the gate when there is one adult outside Gate
Kickball Field Used for Kickball No digging holes in the dirt in the kickball field No dodge ball No kicking the ball over the backstop
Tables and Benches Students may sit at the picnic tables, benches and the small red table No standing on the tables No jumping off or over the tables
The Hill Students are only allowed on the hill for sledding in the winter No playing on the hill or rolling down the hill at any other time
Bleachers Students are not allowed on the bleachers Bleachers will be used only during special activities Students will pass by bleachers and be briefly outside of the fence for the Walking Club
Walking Club Fence Backstop Cone Gate Flowerbed
Electric Company Box Stay away from this box! Electricity is dangerous Electric Box