PLEASE DO NOW Complete this True/False self-quiz. 1. The final step to genocide is isolating victims. 2. Kristallnacht took place on November 9, The extermination camps were all located in Poland, except for Auschwitz. False – it is persecuting and killing them. True False – they were all in Poland.
At Your Table Groups… Take out the reading “The Holocaust.” Next, brainstorm answers to the questions together – you should have your own answers to the questions, but you can talk at your table groups to get ideas!
Holocaust Memorials Around the world….
Berlin Holocaust Memorial
Holocaust Memorial at the Legion of Honor San Francisco, California
The Holocaust Memorial of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation Miami Beach, Florida According to Helen Feigen, the historian, “A giant outstretched arm, tattooed with a number from Auschwitz, rises from the earth, the last reach of a dying person. Each visitor has his own interpretation... some see despair... some hope... some the last grasp for life... and for some it asks a question to God... ‘Why?’”
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Washington, DC This floor to ceiling room houses photographs of a portion of the millions of individuals who were lost in the Holocaust.
Czech Republic The Memorial to the Holocaust Victims, by Czech sculptor Michal Gabriel, is a six-pointed star partly submerged in the ground. It commemorates the more than 1,000 Jews from Usti killed in the Holocaust. "It is one of the most powerful memorials we have because, whether intentionally or not, the Star of David half- submerged in the ground suggests that the Jews are rising up and sinking simultaneously, an apt metaphor for their history here," Kraus said.
Holocaust Memorial- Harrisburg, PA
Student Holocaust Memorial
Student Memorial Sample Response
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