AUSHWITZ Aushwitz was located in Oswiecim, it opened in May 26,1940. Aushwitz was a death camp in the Holocaust, it was the largest death camp the Nazi's had. It started out small but the prisoners keep coming and coming. Aushwitz had to have three parts to it. One and three were used for slave labors. The second part was for was the prisoners to weak to work and usually sent straight to gas chambers were they were immediately killed. Aushwitz was built to kill as many Jews as possible, and that’s just what it did. In total the Nazi murdered one and half million – four million prisoners in this camp alone. The camp burned 8,000 bodies a day for five years in the cremation pits. When the prisoners of Aushwitz arrived they were separated into two groups. The first group was for the strong to be used as slave labors. The second group were the old, weak, women, babies, and children. This group was sent to the gas chambers to be killed. 2,000 – 2,500 prisoners were gassed at a time. Aushwitz was liberated January Now it is a memorial for those who passed away. Bibliography – Lawton, Clive. Aushwitz the Story Of The Nazi Death Camp. London: Candlewick Press, print.
CREMATION PITS Cremation Pits were large pits in concentration camps and death camps, in the Holocaust. Cremation Pits were really big they were twenty five feet wide, one hundred and fifty feet long and six feet deep. That was just one pit, so these things weren’t small. Larger death camps like Aushwitz had up to a total of nine pits. These Cremation Pits were to burn the bodies of prisoners, that died in the gas chambers. But even these massive pits couldn’t keep up with the amount of bodies it needed to burn. the prisoners fat were used as fuel to keep the pits burning through out the day, because it took to long to start it back up again. Bibliography: Lace, William W. The Death Camps. San Diego California: Lucent Books, Print.
KRISTALLNACHT Kristallnacht other known as “The Night of Broken Glass” was a four day action of the start of the Holocaust. Kristallnacht was full of never ending riots, mobs, and even massacres. It was the attack of the German Nazi program against Jewish cities. Kristallnacht took place on November 7 th – 10 th it was total chaos, German Nazis beat, arrested, and even murdered innocent Jews. Kristallnacht started because a Jewish man assinated a Nazi related worker. Riots broke out destroying stores and small businesses. At the end 275 Jewish synagogues (temples) were destroyed. The biggest riot included 1,000 people. 30,000 Jewish men and teenagers between the ages of 16 to sixty wee arrested by German police for no reason. Ten percent of the Jewish community were arrested and sent to concentration camps. After they were sent they were either murdered by Nazi guards, if not murdered released in a period of 5 – 6 six months. After Kristallnacht ended schools were segregated, Jews were no longer to drive or own businesses. Bibliography: Deem, James. Kristallnacht. Berkley heights New Jersey: Enslow Publishers. Inc Print.
TREBLINKA Treblinka was one many Nazi death. Treblinka was northeast of Warsaw, Poland. It was opened in 1941, for slave labor. Polish and Jewish were sent here by force under Nazi rule. One hundred seven thousand prisoners were captured in November March 1943, two thousand eight hundred Jews were captured that same year in October eight thousand Jews were taken. Hundreds tried to escape from the train ride to Treblinka, by jumping off of it. They were either killed by the jump or shot by the Nazi transport exports. Total of eight hundred seventy thousand Jews from other countries not including Poland were murdered. Treblinkia was liberated fall of 1943, from other countries. Bibliography: Wigdor, Geoffrey. “Treblinka”. Encyclopedia of the Holocaust Print.
WARSAW GHETTO The Warsaw Ghetto was a restince of Polish Jews, under Nazi guard. It was made in 1943, it was located in the Capital of Poland. The Warsaw Ghetto was made because of polities and Hitler’s beliefs. Hitler said “the Jews economy was the reason the lost the war.” The ghetto was surrounded with brick walls, and barbed wire so no one could escape. The population was one million, three hundred Jews with very little food and water. Also very little space. The Nazi’s arrested innocent Jews, they murdered them also, and even had secret executions. Nazi’s made Jews big dirt pits then when they were done they shot babies and children falling into their own grave. Besides from that the biggest cause of death was typhus killing twenty thousand infants. Bibliography: Stewart, Gail B. Life in the Warsaw Ghetto. San Deigo: Lucent Books Print.
WESTERBORK Westerbork was a transit camp for Jewish prisoners. Westerbork was like a mid-way point, it was used to transport Jews to death camps. Westerbork was established in 1939, located northeastern part of the Netherlands in Dutch area. In 1941Westerbork had a population of one thousand and one hundred prisoners, mostly from Germany. From 1942 to 1944 Westerbork served for a transit camp for illegal Dutch Jews that entered the country illegally. A total of one hundred thousand Dutch Jews were deported to Westerbork plus different types of Jews. Most of the prisoners were sent to Aushwitz which was the largest Nazi death camp. In early April 1945, allied forces approached Westerbork, the Germans a banded the camp. Leaving the prisoners to be saved. Westerbork was liberated April 12, 1942 Bibliography: Wigdor, Geoffrey. “Westerbork,” Encyclopedia of the Holocaust Print.