Homework English Abril
Miss Silvia Chinolla MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday I.- answer the next sentences with the vocabulary words. Ball.from,wants,soccer,boug ht. 1.Joe can kick a_____. 2.Jane____to play with Cliff. 3.Joe is___another land. 4.Joe likes to play___. 5.I___the ball at the store. i.-Underline the proper nouns. 1.Marco is living in Mexico city. 2.Has Johm gone to Brookfield zoo? 3.Ana lives in Wisconcin, but is visiting her grandmoth er in Texas. 4.Maria has an old book. 5.Juarez city is near to El `Paso Texas. I.- Complete the next Sentences with the Vocabulary Words. Best,know,live,big,cello,world,play. 1.B__s 2.__n__w 3.L__ __ e 4.__o__ __d 5.__la__ 6.Bl__ 7.__e__lo ) I.- look-up on the internet or dictionary the next phonics wrods with the Wh, and vowel dipthonGS PHONICS. Whril House Crowl Swril Whip Couple Cow Snow Shout Write about something you were to small to do but found a way to do anyhow.
Miss Silvia Chinolla MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Find 1’0 words of the long O sound, and 10 words with the Soft G sound Example.- Long O.- Tone Short g.- Gem In your notebook 0Make a life Cycle of and egg of the type of animal you want. Paste pictures in your notebook of how people use tres and explain. Answer the preposition s of time worksheet. Answer the next sentences with the next vocabulary words. Was,said,son,wá ter,arms,shore,si gn. 1.Asw 2.Noos 3.Iads 4.Tenwa 5.Mars 6.Horse 7.gnis
Mr. Eulises Farfan MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Answer the following question in your own words: What can we know about our neighbors in space? Answer the following questions: Would you like to be an astronaut? Why or why not? Write a short paragraph to explain what you know about the space Answer the following question: How do you feel when you look at the night sky? Find five words and write their synonyms and five words and write their antonyms.
Mr. Eulises Farfan MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Complete the word web with my home design Answer the following questions: Where do you live? Who do you live with? Write a paragraph about an unusual home Complete the following sentences: 1.People who work in _____ have a dangerous job 2.Plants that are ___ to an area will grow every year 3.Some creatures in the desert live ____to stay cool 4.I want to study ___ and build an unusual home. 5.How ___ are you when you study Efficient, mining, architecture, native, underground Complete the following sentences: My ___ is coming over for dinner (ant – aunt) I will ___ the paragraph with a pen. (write – right) The car stopped when she pushed hard on the. (break – brake) Our boat has a white_____ (sail – sale) Each ___ wore a hat with a light attached. (minor – miner)
Mr. Jesús Quiroga MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Write one sentence with each of the key words below. Instruments 2. Percussion 3. Vibrations 4. Notes 5. composition Answer questions below. Which of your recent achievements are you most proud of? Everyone have bad habit. What habit would you like to cease? What senses do you use to perceive danger? Answer questions below based on reading 1. What instruments does Evelyn play? Why did she cease wearing hearing aids? What are some of Evelyn’s major achievements? Answer questions below based on reading 1. What kind of school is the Royal academy of music? What do you think Evelyn Glenie studied here? Why does Evelyn perform barefoot? Complete the sentences with a conjuction from the box below. After although because once when: After although because once when ______ Ed is a beginner, he plays the drum well. ______ The train went by, I felt the vibrations. ______ of his talent, he soon became famous
Mr. Jesús Quiroga MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Write 1 sentence with each of the key words below. Committee, continent, democratic, natural, nutrition. Use an academic word from below to complete the sentence. Resource sustain aspect People need food and water to ________ life. Gold is a valuable natural __________ _. The class talked about one ______ of the book. Create a new word by adding the suffix –ic, -ist, -able to each word below. Guitar _______ Wash ________ Ideal ________ Explain _______ Answer the questions based on reading 2. Manthai started an organization called ________. Wangan Maathai won the Nobel Prize for________. The first step in planting a tree is to ______. Rewrite each of the following sentences as an imperative. You will be home on time, You will read every day. You must work hard.