3D Printing Created by Anna Bonk Filip Szostak A presenation was created within a project A Robotics International Enterprise funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The concept of 3D printing In 1984 Charles Hull, founder of the giant of the industry - 3D Systems, he invented the Stereolithography (SLA), a technology that first enabled the creation of material objects based on a digital file. Tittle-tattle The first thing that has ever been teacup for wife
The first file format Hull has also designed the STL file format, which has become a widely used format for saving and exchanging data between software to create a digital object on a computer and printer 3D. Tittle-tattle the 3D printer was a breakthrough in machinery and equipment parts design due to speeding up the prototype production significantly
Medicine and print 3D Tittle-tattle The first printed body of a bladder, which proved to be faulty. The first efficient prosthesis which arose a prosthetic leg consisting of all elements of the natural knee. Scientists from the USA have created a miniature kidney that act as natural.
First RepRap Tittle-tattle Thanks to his idea, we now have a 3D printer in their homes. Dr. Adrian Bowyer developed the first model of RepRap in She could she produce components to create the same printer. The first model was called Darwin.
The 3D printing has been performed: Blood vessels Car Aeroplane Jaw implant
Construction printer FDM FDM FDM (fused deposition modeling) modeling objects made from liquid thermoplastic material.
Construction printer SLA SLA (stereolithography) Curing the epoxy resin or acrylic or low viscosity ultraviolet light beam generated by the laser.
Construction printer LOM LOM (laminated object manufacturing) Cutting outline of a model for glued laminated paper or transparencies.
Construction printer SLS SLS ( selective laser sintering) Selective laser sintering of metal powders or other composite material.
Construction printer 3D PRINTIG 3D PRINTING technique similar to printing ink, wherein the ink is replaced by a binder binding the powder deposited on the table model.
Construction printer MJM MJM (multi-jet modeling) Incremental applying the melted acrylic photopolymer by multi-drive head.
How does to work. Printing object consists in creating and applying a layer of material with a certain thickness on the printer table, and when the layer is completed (printed), overlapping the next.
Calendarium 1984 invention a 3D printer by Charles Hull patent as Stereolithography patenting the new technology of printing (FDM) fused deposition material by Scott Crump sale of the first printers. The first use of selective laser sintering technology Adrian Bowyer builds the first prototype RepRap 3D printer, to household Affordable price and easy access to a 3D printer The beginning of the twenty-first century to start work on techniques like 3D printing in medicine.
Thanks for watching We wish you fruitful work in creating their own projects :D