Dawn Burgess, Ed.D
EXCELLENT JOB ON THE DISCUSSION BOARD!!! Just a reminder – if you missed our first seminar please review the seminar transcripts ASAP and let me know if you have any questions.
Chapter 2 History and Evolution of the Human Service Profession
The Middle Ages: Providing for the Poor – was expected by all faiths Poverty within society was unavoidable – no shame in it There was no separation of church and state
How do you think economic, religious and social policies influence society’s perception of the poor?
What are your definitions of the worthy poor? The unworthy poor? How do social trends change these definitions?
Many of you have said that you came into the HS because you want to make a difference. Often, critics will respond by saying, “How can one person make a difference?” Jane Addams did just that! She was born in 1860 and left her mark in spite of the limitations placed on her (think about the era) by society and chronic illness.
Let’s take a web field trip. Please open a new window and go to
The Stock Market Crash of 1929 President Franklin D. Roosevelt won election over Hoover and immediately set out to create dramatic change in social welfare policy. New Deal: A minimum standard of living is a right, not a privilege. The Social Security Act created old age assistance, unemployment compensation, aid to dependent mothers and children, the blind and disabled.
As human services professionals, how can having a relatively comprehensive understanding of the history of social welfare policy help you to avoid negative bias and stereotyping of clients?
As Human Service professionals, how can we work to identify and develop methods of addressing bias in perceptions of the poor? For example bias based on: race socioeconomic status gender sexual orientation age
I hope that through your reading and discussions this week you will appreciate why our history is so important for our future. Any last thoughts or questions?