F ASCHING IN G ERMANY Social Relationships Sophia Gammerler P. 7
O RIGIN OF F ASCHING The origin of Fasching started after Winter was ended to celebrate the upcoming good days of spring. For the celebration they had a spring festival. This celebration was to scare away the bad ghosts of Winter with loud noises and scary masks. It then turned into a celebration of just happiness and joy. They now have colorful costumes and fun events to start off Spring with happiness.
W HEN IS F ASCHING ? The event planning for Fasching starts on November 11 th at 11:11 am. For every Fasching there is a different Fasching King and Queen. Carnivals and parties are held to celebrate Fasching till Ash Wednesday. Other events are Weiberfastnacht, Rosenmontag, and Fastnacht. In some places the Fasching Carnival begins on January 6 th.
A CTIVITIES FOR F ASCHING For Fasching Germans get dressend up and go out on the streets to celebrate. The main events are the Carnivals and Fasching parties that are held in February during the Fastnacht week. Weiberfastnacht is the first party that week which is where women cut off the men's ties as a joke. It then goes on to Rosenmontag where there are Fasching parades in the cities. Ashermittwoch or ash Wednesday is the last day and after that the lent season beginns.
Q UESTIONS : 1. When does the planning start? a) January 6 th b) November 11 th c) Ash Wednesday 2. When is the last day of Fasching? a) Rosenmontag b) Ash Wednesday c) Weiberfastnacht
A NSWERS : 1. b) November 11 th 2. b) Ash Wednesday
S OURCES : schnelle/artikel/online-deutsch-lernen-uebungen-karneval.html m=isch&tbnid=7fsPQmbEL- iqlM:&imgrefurl= xkvsBcksLM&imgurl= eiburg/freiburg%252520fasching%252520parade.jpg&w=471&h=310&ei=vc2GUJqzB o- k8gTJzIGQAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=188&vpy=158&dur=679&hovh=182&hovw=2 77&tx=198&ty=102&sig= &page=4&tbnh=130&tbnw=212& start=76&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:73,s:20,i: bielstein.de/joomlakvb/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=25%3Ade r-verein&id=55%3Awoher&Itemid=90