Краевое государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение начального профессионального образования «Профессиональное училище №41» Работу подготовил: Антипов Дмитрий Алексеевич Студент 2 курса Специальности: Электромонтер по ремонту и обслуживанию электрооборудования Руководитель проекта:Кропачева Марина Владимировна
Plan 1.Carnival in London 2. Historical Background 3. Tips participants
Carnival in London On the last weekend of August in London’s districts of Kingston and Chelsea there’s just no pass through the crowd on the streets. The reason is the Notting Hill carnival.
The Notting Hill Carnival is one of the largest events of its kind in the world and second only to the festival in Rio de Janeiro.
The Notting Hill Carnival is the one of the visit cards of London. Perhaps this is due to its starting place. Arrived to the city tourists will immediately plunge into a festive atmosphere.
This is an example of how the festival celebrates ethnic diversity and freedom through music, movement and masquerade, causing the part of London to come alive in a vibrant kaleidoscope of color, sound and smell.
Carnival takes place in the capital of the United Kingdom in places of London's Notting Hill districts of Kensington and Chelsea on the last weekend in August since 1966 for 48 years.
The Leading role in the carnival usually plays the representatives of British Afro-Caribbean community especially natives from the islands of Trinidad and Tobago which had been accounted as a significant part of the residents of Kensington and Chelsea in 1950.
In the past Carnival had been collecting up to 2 million viewers and ranked second in the world carnivals’ rankings for a number of participants after the Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago.
Historical Background The first Notting Hill Festival was held in London’s Negros immigrants from the Caribbean which were suffering from racial discrimination at that time decided to express themselves through the holiday in traditional style. That should been raise their spirits and pay attention to their problems.
The Trinidadian Carnival had become the prototype of the festival known for its unique drum music and calypso music. Managers’ calculation was correct and soon many white people joined the festival.
Usually during the holiday there are lots of swagger platforms moving around the city on which participants are dancing and singing. In addition many thousands of people are walking by foot dressed up into national costumes. Parade moves in one direction but the full route needs at least seven hours.
Sunday is the first day of the festival and considered as the Childs’ day when young participants dress up into costumes and go on a short route. On this day it is pretty quiet at the carnival but on Monday the fun reaches such giant scale that it is better for children and sick people to not take a part in it.
Tips participants To get to the festival is quietly easy - you just need to go outside on the street. All day long on the open air there are parades consisting of orchestras, musicians and fantastically dressed up dancers.
For the most part people of London who has Afro-Caribbean roots and particularly many participants who come from Trinidad and Tobago take place in the festival.
The main idea of the carnival in the Notting Hill today is a struggle against racism. The city authorities are very supportive of the festival considering it as a great example of a multicultural friendship both in London and across the country.
If you first time are going to the Notting Hill Festival it’s better to leave valuables at home and do not bring a lot of money with you because such events are a paradise for pickpockets. Cell phones will be useless due to the unbelievable noise.
Not worth it to dress up into expensive and make luxuriant hairstyle. It can easily lost its’ presentable look in a dense crowd. Negotiate where you will meet if you lose each other. Abidance of these simple rules will allow you to fully enjoy the action.
Список использованных источников информации 1. otting_hill/ 2. nival 3. ing-hill-karnaval-v-londone-the-notting-hill- carnival/