Biblioteche – Libraries Libraries and biblioteques are a real resource of cultural opportunities, also as it regards learning activities at school. Here follows a short presentation, in the form of a slideshow, of some famous bioblioteques through images taken from Internet; such description, that is to be shown in class, can motivate students and can help increase their interest for aspects concerning studies, civilization and culture; moreover, their interest for reading services provided by their schooling institutes can be reinforced. Slideshow made with programme PowerPoint2010
The British Library
La Biblioteca Nazionale di Torino
La Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze
Biblioteque Wilhelm d’Orange
The Merton College Library
La Biblioteca di Farfa (Rieti)
Biblioteque in Vienna
Biblioteche in Polonia Libraries in Poland
Biblioteca Vaticana
Bibliotech - San Antonio (U.S.A.) (A digital library)
An outdoor library, in a park, London